Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Last Friday (June 22, 2007) at 5:00 PM, our air conditioner went on to be with the big AC in the sky. *weep* It was hard letting it go, especially when a new one will cost $3,800. The new one promises to be better and use LESS electricity. In a few years, "it will pay for itself!" At least, that's what Mr. O'Kelley (our local "air man" told me).

However, we are doing fine. We spend the day at the house with the fans, and at night, we go next door to sleep. It's not been too bad. The boys don't seem to be affected by the heat at all. They just sweat and keep going. I am getting used to the heat. Poor Dennis is the one suffering. He is in a nice air-conditioned office all day and then comes home to a hot house.

We will be gone on vacation next week so only the kitties will be hot. Our new unit will be put in July 9th. It will be nice to have a cool house once more.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Honey!

Happy Brithday to Dennis - the tall, handsome one on the left hand side! He is 48 today! Last night we celebrated with a meal out to Red Lobster and a shopping trip to the mall. He bought 5 new shirts. This morning, we sang Happy Birthday to him and gave him a bottle of Polo. Then he took the boys to Lowe's for a workshop, had the oil changed in the truck, had the truck washed, and ran errands. Not a very exciting birthday, huh? He's a wonderful husband and daddy. I hope he has many, many more happy, healthy birthdays!!

As a birthday gift from Nikolai and Deniska, he was treated to a day at the spa!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Why me?

I am sure that is what Nikolai thinks when he is being punished for inappropriate behavior (like mocking his VBS teacher!) His daddy has confined him to his bedroom until Dad gets home this afternoon. This picture was taken at lunch after he finished crying for awhile. Look at those big eyes! This is the hardest part of adoption - discipline coupled with love and understanding. Here's a child taken away from everything he knows - his home, his culture, his language and thrust into all new experiences. He is learning the language, is not yet sure if these strangers are going to keep him or not, and is not sure if he wants to stay or not! :)

He's been here for 3 months and 3 weeks. Although his English is coming along well, he still struggles with some of the idioms, slang, and verbiage of our culture. I don't think the orphanages he had been in held him to such a high standard of behavior. He'll be fine - just needs a little attitude adjustment from time to time!

Yesterday I took both boys to my friend Gail's home and her parents' home. Deniska and Nikolai both got to feed the 4 week old orphaned baby goats. The little goats were so cute and the boys enjoyed seeing the goats, rabbits, calf, donkeys, dogs, and other critters there on the farm. This is my friend Gail with Deniska in this picture.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

How I Became A Pirate!

How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long is a favorite book around here. The boys wanted to dress like pirates and spent the day trying to discover hidden treasure, making Mama walk the plank, and capturing new and forbidden lands. It was lots of fun! I knew those black pantyhose would come in handy one day! LOL!!

Is it already the end of June??

It's already June 21st and I don't know where the days have gone! The boys are in Vacation Bible School this week at New Hope Baptist Church, the church down the road. It's the church I grew up in and was a member until I got married 11 years ago. I miss going to the church and seeing my life-long friends. Seems I have lost touch with them. Nikolai and Deniska are having a wonderful time in Bible school although they can't understand why people don't cross themselves or genuflect. So, goes the explanation of Catholics and Protestants. :)

On June 1st, we went swimming at my friend Tracy's house. I took this picture of Nikolai as he was making a face at his Mama. At first he was really scared of the water and wouldn't leave my side. But, he over came that fear as he realized everyone was having fun. He had a wonderful time in the pool and finally worked up enough courage to jump off the diving board. After that, we could not keep him off the board. I also took a picture of both boys. They are really attaching to each other quickly.