Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yankee Candle Store, Williamsburg, VA

This entire building is the Yankee Candle Flagship Store in Williamsburg, Virginia. We spent a morning in there just taking in the sights. The store had an Easter Fact Scavenger Hunt for the little ones. Those are the pictures you see of the boys copying down facts.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs

Deniska and I dyed Easter eggs this afternoon. We only dyed 12. Nikolai started helping us but abandoned us for the TV. We think the eggs turned out really pretty - and yummy!
Did you notice that the child climbed on top of the table to dye the eggs? He gets so excited.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Game Day

Deniska was so excited today. His classes earned a Game Day by earning points for Behavior Bingo. They could earn points for things such as compliments from another teacher, a good note from a sub, everyone in class doing their homework, etc... They finally reached 100 points. For a reward, they can play with their DS for 30 minutes.

The county does not allow them to take games to school and I do not allow the boys to take their games to school. But, today was a special day, and I let him take his DS and a game. He does not have a case to carry it in, so he took a VHS case, took the video out, and used that as his DS case. I personally thought that showed some creativity on his part. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the DS makes it back home in one piece!