Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thrifty Thursday - Radishes

 It's time for Thrifty Thursday!

Today's entry - Deniska's home grown radishes.  

Both my boys LOVE radishes and will eat them like candy.

Home grown is much cheaper (and better) than buying in the grocery store.

Now, let me tell you about these radishes.

While cleaning out his room, Deniska found a packet of radish seeds which was probably bought years ago.  He asked if he could plant them and I said "Of course!"

He planted both packs of seed in planter boxes on our deck.

Then, we had freezing weather, rain, wind, cold, heat, horrible weather and good weather.

But, these little fellas just keep growing.

According to my little master gardener, these will be ready in 30 days! 
 (At least that is what the back of the pack said, according to him.)

If all of them produce, we should have a bumper crop from both boxes.

I am very proud of him.

He has big plans for us to have a big garden this year.  

He has a special touch with growing things in his little 12 year old hands.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Menu Monday

 Sometimes, I would like to hide under the cabinet and think no one could see me! 

 But, since I have to plan meals each week, I suppose I should get with the program!

Monday - Turkey breast, dressing, gravy, green beans, turnip greens, sweet potato casserole, vegetable casserole, rolls, and cake pops, ice cream
It's our anniversary so I thought a nice meal might be in order.  I can pull out my good china and set a pretty table.  It's our 18th anniversary.  According to the sources on the internet, porcelain or garnets are the appropriate gifts.  Dennis gave me a new toaster oven!  I gave him a car wash.  Can you tell we are practical people when it comes to gifts? 

Tuesday - Spaghetti with meat balls, garlic bread, corn on the cob
This is Dennis' favorite meal.  I like it because it is not a hard meal to fix.  D is not a big fan of meatballs.  He likes his spaghetti with just sauce. 

Wednesday - BBQ chicken, broccoli, creamed potatoes

We all like BBQ chicken.  It's not a hard meal, just time intensive.  I get home at 4 PM and Dennis likes to eat promptly at 5:30 PM.  That does not give me a lot to time for meals that take a long time to cook. 

Thursday - Beef stew with vegetables, cornbread,
I will need to pick up some potatoes and celery for this meal.  The beef stew will cook in the crockpot while I am at work (those are my favorite recipes!)

Friday - salmon patties, green beans, hash brown casserole, brownies
Although Lent is over, we still like to have fish every Friday night throughout the year.  I have to admit that it is not easy for me to have fish every Friday.  But, since my husband thinks we should do this, we will.  I try not to complain...too much!

Saturday - homemade chicken filet sandwiches with tomatoes, cheese, and spinach
This is an easy meal to have on Saturdays.  We usually eat out on Saturday nights after Mass so this is a light meal. 

Sunday - hamburgers (with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese), chips, pasta salad
Hamburgers are always a good quick meal on Sunday. 
I really should explore some new meals.  I get in the same rut with having the same meals over and over.  Anyone have a suggestion on how to deal with that problem?


Sunday, April 7, 2013

We were bowled over!

Dennis and I took the boys bowling on Friday.  

It was packed with parents and children.  Everyone had the same idea!  

We bowled two games. 
 N won the first one.  
D won the second one. 
 And, I called it a day!

No one would believe I had a whole year of bowling in college! 
 I think my high score was in the 40s!

We all had a good time.

After the game, we all went to the chiropractor!

I see lots more games at the bowling alley (along with trips to the chiropractor for me!)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 3 - Virginia Beach

Today is our last day at the beach.  We will be leaving for home in the morning.  Today, we went to the movies and saw Oz.  We really enjoyed it very much.

Saw this sign all around Virginia Beach.  I thought it was a great way to remind people to watch their choice of words while out and about.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Virginia Beach - Day 2

Day 2 at Virginia Beach!  It was a beautiful day but chilly!

Then, we went to Dennis' mom's house where Deniska mowed the grass.  He was so happy to be outside working.

After a hard day's work, both boys were treated to Ben and Jerry's ice cream!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Virginia Beach

 What a handsome boy - and look - he's smiling!!!!

No hidden treasures found today!!

King Neptune on the boardwalk.  Lots of people out even though it is still a little chilly.