Saturday, February 16, 2008

Seven Things

My internet friend Tammy has tagged me to post seven things about myself. Here's how this works:

1. When tagged, place the name of the person and URL on your blog
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 7 things about yourself
4. Name 7 of your favorite weblogs
5. Send an e-mail letting those bloggers know they have been tagged

Now, one would think that seven things to share would not be a problem, but when faced with the challenge to do so, it becomes challenging to decide what to share.

1. I did not marry until I was 39. I think everyone had given me up to be an old maid school teacher. I married a man who had never been married and he was 37. We were made for each other and it just took us a long time to find each other. He dated me on a dare from a dear friend of mine. She told him, “Take her out; you don’t have to marry the girl!” Ah, famous last words!!!

2. Due to physical complications, we could not have children and decided that was fine. We enjoyed being married; we traveled, ate out, bought what we wanted, etc… Then, my husband and I decided that perhaps we should adopt. Five years later we now have 2 seven year olds who are the lights of our world. We would not trade them for all the free time (and money) we ever had.

3. Although I had flown in the United States since I was 16, I had never been on a transatlantic or transpacific flight until I was 45. I can now say that I have done both. I have been to Eastern Europe 4 times and to Hawaii once.

4. I love to write grants for work in my spare time. I always enjoy getting free money and I look at it as a challenge to see how much I can get for my school. I usually end up spending the money on other teachers and usually write them for others. To me, the fun is in the writing and receiving, not the spending.

5. I started as a music major in college and switched to a Paranormal Psychology major my sophomore year. I minored in Special Education where I have spent my professional life. I also have a BA in Accounting and Business. I spent 5 years as a CPA and returned to education. Paranormal psychology is my preferred field of interest.

6. I love to create art in many forms – painting, sewing, crafting, drawing, music, etc… I never met an art form that I didn’t like. When I was a young child, I wanted to be a street artist in Vancouver, British Columbia. I have no idea where that dream came from!! I gave that dream up when I was about 10 and realized I would have to move away from my daddy! LOL! My grandmother took an art class from Georgia O’Keefe when grandmother was in college. Grandmother was a talented artist in her own right.

7. By the time I was 5, I could name every tree in the forest and every constellation in the sky. I had read all of John Steinbeck’s works by the time I was 14. I grew up on mythology (Roman and Greek). My daddy read every book I did so we could discuss the books I was reading (including Stephen King!) My dad passed on his love of reading and education to me. By the time I was in the 9th grade, I had read all the books on the banned book list at my local school. I still don’t understand why they were banned.

Now I must tag seven more bloggers:

Linda at Life As I Know It
Nancy at A Step At A Time
NeeCee at My Tiggery Life
Joni at Joni's World
Sharon at Sharon Stitches
Kathy at Seasons of Whimzy


  1. Thank you for tagging me Sue, that was so sweet of you. I love your blog and your links. Hugs, Sharon

  2. Thank you for tagging me Sue, that was so sweet of you. I love your blog and your links. Hugs, Sharon

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