Monday, March 3, 2008


"Mom," Deniska said after a time-out that I had given him, "I don't belive in God anymore. I can't hear him when I talk to him. I'm sticking with Santa Claus!"

Being a good mother, I launch into a lengthy theological discussion with the 7 year old explaining why we believe in God and how we can hear him. After several failed attempts, I call Dennis in to help. He is, after all, the resident theologian, having his Masters of Divinity. I was all set for him to have the words to straighten out this wayward 7 year old. He looked at him and said, "Oh Deniska, that's silly. You know you believe in God." Then, he turned and walked off.

Deniska, in all of his wisdom, looked at me and said, "Guess I do believe in God."

Daddy's can always make sense out of things!


  1. Susan ~ That story is too cute, lol. I love the picture of Deniska, too :)
    Hugs, Joanne

  2. The picture of Deniska is adorable.Don't boys keep you on your toes.We never know what grandson Jeremy will come out with next.He really keeps us wondering but we wouldn't want it any other way:)

  3. I love that story!! Don't kids say the funniest things??
    I love the picture of Deniska. Your boys are so handsome!
