Tuesday, April 8, 2008

13 years today

Today is our wedding anniversary~ 13 years to the most wonderful man on the face of the earth. I think he is near perfect. He would be perfect if he would answer the phone at night!! I can't believe that 13 years have flown by so quickly. Here we are, 13 years later with 2 boys and 4 cats, all beacuse of a dare to date me from a co-worker of his. Serves him right that 7 months later we were married!! LOL!

On our first date, he showed up 2 hours early with a written itinerary in hand. Everything was written down from the hour of "pick up" to "drop off". He wrote an itinerary for most of our dates the first few months. He didn't kiss me until a week before he proposed marriage. He planned our honeymoon and date of the wedding before he proposed marriage. And, he didn't tell me he loved me until the night he proposed - as an after thought! Silly goose!

Did I mention he likes to be in control? When we were dating he would ask me where I wanted to eat dinner. I would go through all the restaurants and he would find something wrong with each one until I named the one he wanted to go to for dinner. On our honeymoon, we ate at Wendy's each day because that was his favorite fast food place at the time. Boy, did I get sick of Wendy's! He used to get really mad at me because I snored. Hmm, couldn't help that! Over the years, we have gotten into a very relaxed life and I let this wonderful man "think" he is in control all the time.

I must admit he has lightened up a lot since we have been married and even more since the boys have come along. Life is never dull with him. I hope the next 13 years are just as fun and happy!


  1. Happy Anniversary Susan & Dennis

  2. Susan - I had a big smile over the written itinerary for your dates. That really was quite sweet. :o) So where did he take you for your honeymoon?
    Happy Anniversary - and many more!


  3. Happy anniversary, Susan and Dennis! Your roses are beautiful. May God bless you with many more years together.

