Sunday, June 8, 2008

Out of school

Yesterday was my last day of school for the 2007-2008 school year. I was nice to see so many of my students graduate and give me hugs. One touching moment, was when my friend Myra presented her own daughter her diploma. Myra is a principal of an elementary school which was one reason that she was afforded that opportunity. There was another reason as well. Myra has only a few weeks left to live. They (the doctors) told her that she had 6 months to live and that was in December. No one thought she would live to see her daughter graduate. You should have seen the look on Logan's (her daughter) face as her mama gave her the diploma and embraced her. There was not a dry eye in any one's eyes that knew the story. Life is so fragile. But, as my priest told me yesterday, who are we to question God's will?


  1. That story is touching and I only know such a small part. You had me in tears! I, too, am out for the summer now. What a great feeling! Rolling out of bed at 7:30 with my children instead of dragging them (and myself) out of bed at 6:00. Whew!

  2. I will think of Myra all day. I will pray for her and her family.

    Enjoy your Summer.

  3. Susan, this post had me in tears.

    My boys still have another 6 weeks left in school, they finish on July 25; but don't return until 2 September.

    David has gone on a resdidential trip this weekend like "outward bound"
