Sunday, August 31, 2008

Expired coupons?! Oh my!!

Contribute to the needs of the holy ones, exercise hospitality. (Romans 12:13)

Coupons have been my passion for the past year. They have allowed me to provide for my family items for a fraction of the cost, often free. Not to mention, they have helped our family to become debt free. I am extremely serious about my coupons - just ask my husband! So, I don’t like to have coupons expire, but when I do I’m bent out of shape for two reasons. First, I’m annoyed because a money saving moment has slipped through my fingers. Second, I’m irked because there’s no one to blame but myself!

These expired coupons would normally be tossed into the trash, but I recently discovered a program that allows these expired coupons to have a 2nd life!

The Overseas Coupon Program was founded in 1992 and shares donated coupons with military families stationed abroad. Even expired coupons are accepted because the commissary will honor them for up to six months after the expiration date! US military families all over the world are seeking coupon donations to help them stretch their grocery budgets.

If you’re an individual who wants to make a difference, consider adopting a military base, collecting coupons, and sending them to fellow Americans serving our country overseas. For detailed information about the Overseas Coupon Program including locations of military bases accepting coupons and guidelines for submitting coupons, please click here.

What an easy and wonderful way to support the troops!

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