Saturday, January 17, 2009

too cold to go outside

It's too cold to go outside for the kitty cats. Two of them did venture outside this morning after being in the house for 2 days. The older cats know better. They are snuggled here on the bed nice and warm. It's 16 degrees outside. The high is predicted for 36 today.

The boys have a basketball game this morning. I dread getting out in the cold and sitting in a cold gym. Then, I need to go to the grocery store and run a few errands. I think Dennis is planning on us going to Mass tonight. So, it will be a busy day!

1 comment:

  1. Susan,
    You are doing great with your walking.I found my old pedometer but the cover broke off so I am without a pedometer until I order my new one this coming week.I want the same one that you have so that I can download my walking stats.
    Our youngest cat a male tabby goes out in the cold.He was outside for a little while when it was only 5 outside.He doesn't stay long then he is ready to come back in.The other two sense when it is so cold outside and want to stay inside where it is nice and toasty.We had a heat wave today.It went up to 32.It is now 26.
