Sunday, February 22, 2009

Snow and my brother

This is my brother who lives in North Dakota. He sent me these pictures on the 12th of this month. His little town has been hit hard with snow. No snow for us in the South. So, I just live through his experiences!


  1. Those pictures remind me why I hope to never live any more north than I do.

    Snow is really pretty but I shiver just looking at pictures like that.

  2. I have to do the same as you Susan. We only get an occasional flurry. It is snowing in Ohio agan too. I miss snow. It is a damp cold here though so I still have every reason to cuddle up with a quilt. I am making a new one that will be one I use often when it is done. I am going to maybe machine quilt it so that it is very sturdy for use.

    Hope you are doing better? Did you get to the chiropractor?

    Hugs ~
