Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I want to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day. I have had a really nice day today with my boys. Dennis went to see the new Star Trek movie and the boys and I just hung out in the house watching Sponge Bob and napping. You couldn't ask for a better day! I was really spoiled this year.
They boys made me a planter at the Lowe's workshop yesterday. It has "fancy grass" in it. I love anything that they make!
They got me a new flashdrive and a thing for my cell phone (so I can talk without hands). And, 2 gift cards to Lowe's. It's my favorite store next to Staples! The card is probably my favorite gift. It has their recorded voices say that they love me. So, so sweet!!!

Nikolai made me a picture of himself at school. Deniska didn't bring his home.
I couldn't help but think of my own mother this day. She was a wonderful example for being a good, Godly wife. I also have thought of my mother-in-law, Joyce, who raised my husband to be a wonderful, caring husband and father. I am truly blessed.


  1. Thank you, Susan. I am also blessed to have a wonderful daughter-in-law like you. Just wish you didn't live so far away. I'm so thankful you and the boys had a great day. You deserve it. I love what they got you.

    Love, Grandma Joyce

  2. What a wonderful Mother's day you had! Lowe's gift cards would have been my favorite choice too, it's my latest shopping obsession.

  3. What beautiful gifts you received! Sounds like a wonderful day.

    Here via Louise's blog.

  4. Lovely gifts! I love the sweet picture that Nikolai made. :-)
