Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day After

We had a wonderful Christmas. Santa was more than good to all of us. The boys got a Wii which took the day. I don't think either one of them ate all day because they were too excited about playing with their new toys and the Wii. The only dud gift was a guitar we had ordered for Nikolai. It was terrible and will be on its way back to the company for a refund. We will have to buy him another one that's better quality. They both got lots of board games for Family Game Night. I used great restraint and did not get either one of them a book or anything that resembled school! They were appreciative of that fact. I think they both thought that would be all they would get. I took lots of pictures but these were the only three that were not blurry. *sigh* Did Santa leave my camera at someone else’s house?? Oh well, we are all happy, healthy, warm, and together. That’s all that matters. God has truly blessed us more than we deserve.

Christmas is over for another year. We are blessed that we do not owe anything for Christmas. I don’t say this to be bragging. Dennis and I planned what we wanted to buy and looked for bargains all year long. I did most of the shopping on-line and took advantage of free shipping and sale items. We have already started saving for next year; I love my Christmas Account. And, I have already started thinking about gifts for next year. I’m making my list and checking it twice….. The one thing that I regret is that I did not make many Christmas gifts this year. I love handmade gifts. I had great plans but never followed through. The only gifts I made were for the boys’ teachers.

I had planned to leave the trees and decorations up until the end of the Christmas season, which would be February 2nd with the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. But, I think since we live in such a small house, that we will take the trees down next week and maybe just leave out a nativity scene. I need to start looking for a nice nativity scene to buy. I’m thinking I can find one on sale since it’s after Christmas. We all return back to work/school on January 4th.


  1. I am glad you all had a nice Christmas and it sounds like D and N should many fun times ahead with their wii and board games.

  2. Christmas was good at your house! I love the games for the boys, Susan, and I love the family game night. NeeCee and her family have a game night, too.
    Santa dropped off 3 digital cameras at our house. We must have taken them all. I'm sorry!
    Actually ours came from WalMart for $20!But we forgot the batteries, so I don't know about the quality of the pictures yet.
