Sunday, December 26, 2010

Frosty, the snowman, has arrived

The boys are very proud of their snowman. As you can tell, we did not have very much snow. It was, however, enough to satisfy that primal urge in the boys to build a snowman!


  1. I love the snowman.Glad you got some snow to make this Christmas extra special for your family.We are under a Winter Storm Warning through tomorrow.It's been snowing since yesterday but that's not counting over 2 feet of snow we have already been blessed with this month already.Wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with a final count of 40 inches or more of snow for December.We had already broken the record to total snowfall for the month of December but that total of 25 inches was of a week ago.

  2. How cute and proud they should be! And what a joy that you had a white Christmas in the deep south. It is 2nd Christmas day here in Holland so we are still in the midst of the celebrations of the holiday.

    Merry Christmas to you dear Susan!

    Christmas hugs,

  3. You have snow! We did not get anything more than flurries, just slick ice which is no fun. I'm glad the boys got to make a snowman for Christmas. :o)
