Saturday, October 8, 2011

Soccer Days

 Let's swing our arms while waiting on the ball...

 Deniska was the back-up goalie.  I did not like him playing this position - too much pressure on me!

 That's right - size him up.  He may be little but he can flat kick that ball!

 Getting a pep talk from the coaches.

 This was a beautiful soccer field in Clemson that we played at one night. 

 Nikolai and Deniska are both defenders.  They make a good team.

Here they are at home after a game.  I did manage to get them still long enough to snap this picture.  Why Deniska is wearing green socks, I have no idea!!


  1. Your boys look so healthy and happy. Soccer is a great activity for them!

  2. I can't believe how grown up they have gotten! I bet you can't either. :)

  3. They really look the part. Is it this week that they have the final tournament? I wish them good luck with the games.

    Hugs from Holland ~
