Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Birthday

Yesterday was Dennis' birthday!  We spent the whole day celebrating.

He was showered with gifts all day.

No birthday is complete without a cake!

(Notice we go for quick decorations around here!)


The boys didn't want to burn the house down so they only used 3 candles.  
(Plus we didn't have enough candles for as many years it would take!)

 Smile for the camera!   See that smile - it's the same one the boys use.

Hmm, not sure what type of face Deniska is doing there....

Ah, that's a nice smile!

(Looks like I could have cleaned off the table a little better.  Why is it that you never noticed those things until you get ready to post a picture?!)

Happy Birthday Dennis! 

We all hope you have many more because we love you and want you around a long, long time!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday!
    The cake looks delicious, and the table is just fine!Clean enough for me.
