Sunday, July 8, 2012

Turtle boy and Snappy!

Coming home last night from church, we saw "Snappy" trying to make his way across the road. (Eastern Box Turtles thrive in our area.

Dennis stopped the car and "Turtle Boy" jumped out of the car, raced into the road, and rescued Snappy!
(This was without Mama's approval!)

Turtle Boy loves Snappy.  

He likes to put in him odd places - like the top of his head!

 Snappy does not look amused!

 Turtle Boy had a long talk with Snappy.

They are trying to see "eye to eye" on issues!
(Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

We all need love ~

even if we are hard-shelled and closed off to others!



  1. My boys always wanted to rescue those turles also...especially if they were in the road.... I know boys will be boys!! Take care, Faye

  2. I see we are quickly becoming good bloggy friends. Am going to add your blog to my list of faves. MY boys - when they were boys- loved tortoises- as we lived in South Africa. They both look so happy. Have a good week.

  3. I rescue turtles all the time. Box turtles seem to come out here right after a rain. On July 4, I rescued a huge yellow-bellied slider off a busy road. I had a big bucket in my car and it was not easy getting him in it. I know the people at the intersection thought I was crazy. I took him to a pond way off the road at a park.

  4. I also had turtles, they are cute animals! Nice story written with an extra message;)
