Saturday, October 6, 2012

October is Respect Life month

I am so thankful that the birth mothers of my two children did not choose abortion.

These are my boys that God meant for us to have. 

I can't imagine life without them.  



  1. when my son Bobby was about 10, he asked me what an abortion was. I explained that it takes about 9 months for a baby to grow inside a mom. During that time, for different reasons, some moms decide to have a medical procedure done that takes the baby out before it is ever born.
    He thought for a few seconds and said "I am sure glad you did not do that to me" and went back to his playing.

    Abortion is such a hot topic, I am very much against it and it is the main reason I vote Republican even though I don't agree with all their other platforms

  2. Same here for our two adopted kids.

  3. What a beautiful testament to the Respect All Life commitment!

  4. Susan, I had no idea that you had adopted your boys! You have been blessed!
