Friday, December 28, 2007

Last Night

Last night the nursing home called me to come see Mama. They had also called the Hospice nurse. The doctor just happened to be making calls and he was also there. The doctor has started morphine to make her last days painless. The Hospice nurse made my brother talk to her and say his good-byes on the phone. It was amusing to see this nurse tell my brother what to do and him in North Dakota. I stayed until midnight and came home. The CNA's and nurses were very attentive and I left her in good hands. I plan on returning today and spending a good bit of time with her.

She is totally unresponsive but I talk to her anyway telling her it's OK to go on home and that I love her. The boys tell her about what they are doing. It's a sweet time together. Please pray for a sweet release from her life.


  1. {{{{{ Susan }}}}}

    I will say a prayer for your mother as I know how you must want her to pass sweetly and softly over. It is something we all wish for loved ones when the time comes. My good friend here is also at the home with her mother and she is expected to pass anyday. She asked me what she will do without her mother and I told her I just don't know and hope I don't for some time yet. I simply cried with her. I am so sorry that you have to go through this and yet we all must. It is a lesson in love to let go of someone so very special in our lives. It is so wonderful to read that you and the boys go and talk with her. I will pray for all of you to find strength in these times.

    ~~ Heidi ~~

  2. Susan ~

    You're all in my prayers during this time. I know how difficult it is, and am sending you many hugs along with those prayers.

    ~ Joanne
