Friday, December 28, 2007

Mama's Passing

Mama died today at 1:30 pm. I had sat with her all morning and had left to take the boys to lunch. We had just gotten our bill when the nursing home called and told me that it was time and to come back. I was so fortunate to get there before she died. The Hospice nurse, Patti, Mama's CNA, Bridgette, and several of the staff nurses where in the room with me. We all told Mama that it was OK to go and not to worry about us. Bridgette sang, "Jesus Loves Me" (which we all joined in on the chorus), and I held her hand. I had time to tell her that I loved her and not to be afraid to go on. I told her to tell Daddy and Clyde hello for me and to tell them that I loved them. About 10 seconds after that, she breathe her last breath. Mama's last words to me were "I love you" - that was on Tuesday. I have had the honor to be with my Daddy, my brother, and my mother at their passing. I called Larry and he will be flying in tomorrow. Her funeral will be Monday, December 31st, at 11:00 AM.

I will go to the funeral home in the morning at 10:00 to take her clothes. My brother and I had already planned her funeral last year. The hardest time I had was when the funeral home arrived and took her away. I cry not for her but for my loss of both of my parents. However, I lost Mama a long time ago to Alzheimer's. Through all of this, I have learned so many lessons about life and family. In life and in death, God is good.

This picture was made in the early 1950's (before I came along). What a beautiful couple my parents were. They are now reunited!


  1. My thoughts, prayers, and love are with you now, Susan. My mom is there, too. Maybe they can get together and do something wonderful together. :)
    If you need anything, you only need to let me know. I'll do my best to see that you get it.

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your Mother. May God comfort your family during this time.

  3. Oh dear Susan, I am sending your cyber hugs to try and comfort you in your loss. I told my mother when my father died that he would never really be gone and he isn't. He is in our hearts as your mother will be. And she will be perfect and loving there forever. I am just so happy that your boys had some time to know their grandmother before her passing. I wish you all strength and comfort in the coming days!

    ~~ Heidi ~~

  4. This is a beautiful tribute for your mama.

    Bless you Susan and all your family.

  5. Susan,

    I am thinking of your family today and praying for God to comfort you.

  6. I'm running behind in reading the blogs, so I just now read this. I am so very sorry for your loss. You were such a wonderful daughter and a comfort to your mother, I'm sure.

    I loved the picture. It made me cry, just thinking about your parents being reunited!
