Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Ending

Mama's funeral was today. It was a very sweet funeral. We used one of Mama's beautiful quilts to drape over her coffin. Dennis read Proverbs 31:10-31, the Proverbial Woman. He picked that out to read about my Mama. I was so proud of him as he read - he is truly a gifted reader. Then, Larry delivered the eulogy - and did an excellent job! He told some funny stories but related it everyone there. It was perfect!! There was probably close to 300 people there for the funeral. She was well loved by everyone. I was so delighted to see my childhood friends and friends of my family. It had been much too long for me to see them. The church fixed a luncheon for us - so much good food and a table laden with sweets! Later, the immediate family went to the cemetery to view the burial spot. It was nice to be with family and share some private moments and stories.

This evening Dennis and I went to Mass since it was the Mary, Mother of God Holy Day. It is one of my favorite Masses. I asked the priest for a special blessing considering my day. He gave me a special blessing and spoke some very encouraging words to me.

Larry and I decided what we would do tomorrow and the rest of the week. So much to do following a death. Regardless, God is good and takes care of us through it all!

1 comment:

  1. My family and I decided on that very same Scripture to read over my mom. I love that myself, and it really fits my mom and her life.
