Friday, January 18, 2008


What a wonderful surprise we received on Wednesday night - it snowed! The boys loved the snow. They wanted to stay out Wednesday night and play in the snow - silly boys! They were so excited. We had probably 3 inches of snow and it was all gone by Friday afternoon. NOAA says we will get more snow tomorrow. I doubt it but we will see.

On a not so fun note, I have dealt with insurance companies all day today. One company, Monumental Life, did not pay the full amount of the life insurance policy on my mom because the birth date on their policy did not correspond with the birth date on her death certificate. I feel sure the mistake was on their part but to fight it would have been more than the policy was worth. I would not recommend having any policies with them. What a crock to claim that they could not pay the full amount. All the other companies that I have dealt with have been very professional and courteous.

I called Charter to cancel Mom's cable service. The lady said that I was not on the approved list to make such a decision. I assured her that Mom couldn't call her since she was dead. Charter said I had fax them a copy of the death certificate or the obituary. Now, of course, I understand that just anybody can call up and claim to be the person but honestly you would think that they would believe me - who is going to lie about their mother dying?!

An hour was spent on the phone calling various companies and making appointments to come by and discontinue services or different things. Did I mention that I HATE make appointment and talking on the phone to strangers over such things?

How I hate doing all of these things. I still have several places to call and I need to take a death certificate by the bank - I forgot to do that today - drats! Oh well, I need something to do next week!

1 comment:

  1. SNOW! I am jealous! I wish I could be there and throw a few snowballs with your boys. :)

    Sorry to hear things are so complicated with rounding business up for your mother. I cannot understand that insurance company.

    Hugs ~
