Friday, July 25, 2008


OK, I admit that I am not a pre-teen girl nor do I have a girl child! But, I did buy me a present just a few days ago. I bought the American Girl Doll - Ruthie.
Ruthie's story takes place during the Depression. My mother, whose name was Ruth (Daddy called her Ruthie), also grew up during the Depression - the "Great Depression" as she and dad referred to that era. Mama died this past December and it just seemed right for me to have Ruthie. She is sitting on my filing cabinet to keep me company and I like to think of her looking over me during the day. She is a gorgeous doll and has the same coloring as my mother did as a young girl! My mother (who loved dolls as much as I do) would be proud that such a beautiful doll was named after her!
My friend, Joanne, sent me lots of patterns to borrow to make clothes and accessories for Ruthie. I am a happy girl! (My boys have loved looking through the AG magazine and making suggestions on what 'we' should buy next!)


  1. What a wonderful story. It sounds like Ruthie was meant to have a place in your home. I like looking through AG stuff myself and have often bought the books as gifts.

  2. Susan, I'm so glad Ruthie arrived and is living in her new home watching over you. I think I really need to buy Kit one of these days who looks like *my* mom did in those days, and they could play together (if we ever had the chance to visit)! So, what do the boys think you all need to buy next?? hehe

  3. Joanne - the boys like Kit, the scooter, the horse, a bed, the twins, and a "Just Like You' doll with blond hair and blue eyes. Oh, the the dog! LOL! Susan

  4. I am so glad Ruthie is now at home with you! She's beautiful!

  5. Ruthie is so pretty! What a lovely reminder of your Mama. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun making outfits for her. :-)

