Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Car Litter Bag


I am still not feeling great, but I do feel a little better. It’s the coughing that is getting the best of me. I have coughed so much that my chest muscles and head just ache. This morning when I was driving to pick up the boys, I had a coughing attack and had to stop the car so I could cough, and cough, and cough. I thought then, amid the coughing, that I really needed a litter bag for the front of the car. So, when I got home, I made one. It’s not fancy and you can tell that I used scraps of fabric. I think it will work fine for the purpose it is intended. If it gets dirty, I can always throw it in the wash. Dennis wants me to make two for the back seat. I think that is tomorrow’s project!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Urgent Care

Dennis took me to urgent care today. I have bronchitis and will be restricted to bed rest until I feel better. I hate being sick.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Movie Day - Toy Story 3


The boys have been begging to go see a movie. When they found out that Toy Story 3 was in town, they asked to go see that movie. Used to, our town offered free summer movies, but now they charge $2.50/each to see the summer movies. We have not been to the movies yet this summer. Since our boys have seen most of the movies playing in the summer line-up, I decided to pay a little extra to see a movie they had not seen before. I have read good reviews about this movie.

Since I woke up with a summer cold and my head is hurting, I decided today would be a good day to go to the movies. It will be dark, and cool, and quiet (except for the movie of course.) I told the boys they would have to have everything completed before we left. They had to have their lessons finished, their room cleaned, and their reading finished. I have never seen them more motivated to do their work than this morning!


UPDATE: This has to be one of the best movies that I have ever watched! There are all sorts of moral lessons - good vs. evil, friendship, sacrifice, overcoming obstacles, moving on, pure love, just to name a few. There is adult humor but not any that would be inappropriate for anyone to watch - very clean fun!!! I will buy this movie for sure when it is released.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Husband!

I have the sweetest, kindest husband in the world! He is my best friend and I can’t imagine life without him. We are very blessed to be together. Today is his birthday! The boys both made him cards. Nikolai’s card said, “Happy Birthday. I hope you do not die anytime soon. I will never forget you. Love, Nikolai”


We gave Dennis a new outfit – Izod shorts and a shirt. I was surprised that he liked these but he did. (I got his approval before I bought them.) He and I do not have the same taste. We used to, but not anymore! And since I really liked these, I was surprised that he did as well.

We also bought him a new Swiss Army watch with a red dial. Very cool! He was very happy about it.


His mother sent them some cologne, body wash, and antiperspirant. Very nice since they all were things he wanted. I would have taken a picture of them but he put them up before I had a chance. I was lucky to get the pictures I did.

I made his favorite meal tonight – spaghetti. And, of the course the boys insisted on the blackberry cobbler for dessert. (see earlier post for this story.)

I hope he has had a wonderful day filled with good things. He’s got another year before he gets another shot at things! I love you Honey!!

Blackberry Cobbler

Yesterday, the boys picked blackberries for me. They charged me a $1 each for a quart. I know it’s cheap but I did have to provide encouragement, containers, and clean the blackberries….

They wanted me to make their daddy’s birthday cake out of blackberries. I convinced them that a blackberries cobbler with vanilla ice cream would be much better. Here’s a picture of the cobbler before it went into the oven.


And, here it is after baking. It was delicious, even though I say so myself! The secret is that my husband hates does not like cobbler in any form. But, since it was the boys’ gift to him, he ate some and enjoyed it very much. He is a good daddy!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Fed Ex Day


I had a project (along with my friends Gail and Lisa) to present to the district office today. The theme was the FedEx Day. This was a day for employees to work outside of the workplace and present a project that would benefit them. I made the shirts for the boys and had them “deliver” our presentation to the panel. When our part was finished, they packed it up and left again. They stole the show and it was a huge success. Aren’t they cute! I made the “FedEx” logo by ironing muslin to freezer paper and sending it through the ink jet printer. Then, I heat set it and ironed fusible webbing to the back. I cut it out and ironed it on the shirts. I put it on the front and back. The whole project costs me $3 for the shirts and 69 cents for the muslin. I had everything else on hand. It was so much cheaper, and nicer, than those expensive sheets you find in the craft section.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

My daddy has been gone since 1991. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of him or talk to him. He was a wonderful father and I was blessed to be his daughter. He was a man of integrity and a good Christian man. I'm a little sad on Father's Day because it has been so long since he has been gone; but, I am equally happy that my children have a wonderful father who is also a man of integrity and a good Christian man.
Happy Father's Day to all those who are fathers. I hope you have had a wonderful day. And, to my own father, I love you!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Basketball Camp is over


  Nikolai was awarded two certificates for ‘3 on 3’ and ‘5 on 5’ .  Every child received a trophy.  They had a really nice ending ceremony.


Everyday ended with prayer and a homework sheet.  The campers had to read scripture and answer the questions.  Very cool!  100_6013 

I Corinthians 9:24-27

Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win.

Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one.

Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing.

No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.

100_6042I took these pictures on the last day of camp.  The town park has a caboose and the boys wanted to stop and have their picture made.  Boys and trains, a perfect combination!!



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bloom Where You Are


This morning, after I dropped the boys off at camp, I stopped by Bloom grocery store to pick up a few items. I don’t normally shop at Bloom because they are too far away and a little pricey. However, when they have a sale, they have really good sale items. And, most importantly, it was on the way home and I did not have to drive out of my way.

This is what I bought today. The ketchup was on sale for 10/$10.00. They only had 7 bottles left so I got the seven. Cantaloupe was 99 cents each. The sour cream was $1/each. The grapes were 99 cents/pound. The total for my entire trip was $15.72 and my savings was $13.45. That’s a savings of 46%. This is not as good as I usually do, but I am happy with the items.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lazy, Hot Summer Days


I caught Sam grabbing a few winks while the boys are at basketball camp.  When they are at home, he is played with, petted, and lugged around.  Sam, an indoor cat for the most part, went outside for about an hour today. 

It’s 97 degrees outside and hot, hot, hot!! 

Sam was ready to come back in and rest in the cool.  He is such a spoiled kitty cat! 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Basketball Camp


Both boys started basketball camp today at one of my alma mater’s.  I received my undergraduate degree from a small Christian university.  I had forgotten how warm and loving it was until I was on campus today.  I just fell in love with the campus all over again.  It has such a warm, sweet spirit.  OK, enough about the university. 

As I said, the boys are in basketball camp.  They said it was “a little fun” today.  They were on separate teams and I think that was the problem.  They are inseparable and it throws them for a loop when they have to be separated.  Neither one of them have a lot of self-confidence in basketball.  I assured them by the end of the week that they would be just as good, or better, than most people there.  Let’s hope that is a true statement!  They will be in camp until the end of the week.



This coming Thursday night, they both start guitar lessons.  I am looking forward to seeing hearing how that goes! They are signed up for a 6 weeks course and then we will see if it is something they want to continue.  I suspect they think that after one lesson they will be super rock stars! 

Friday, June 11, 2010

VBS crafts

The boys attended Vacation Bible School at a local church this week.  The theme was a cowboy theme.  This is the craft that they brought home today.  It really is cute.  It is three horses looking over a fence that serves as a picture holder.100_5974


Next week, they have basketball camp at a local university and they both start guitar lessons.  We have had a busy summer so far. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dennis’ new toy


This is Dennis’ new toy, his very own 325i BMW! He is so proud of his little car. I don’t think I have ever seen him more excited over a car purchase. It’s a “new” to us car. But, we like to recycle and I think this is a perfect example. Someday, we may trade up to a larger car but for right now, it’s perfect for him!

I still prefer my 2002 Avalon. She's paid for and only has 115,000+ miles on her. Dennis can keep his BMW. He did let me drive it for about a mile! Silly man. What is it with men and their cars? I am so happy for him.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Easy on the ear…..

Poor Nikolai has an earache. I took him to the doctor yesterday afternoon. Bless his heart, he just cried tonight at the dinner table because it hurt so badly. Nikolai is my tough little one who never cries. The doctor said he should feel better by Thursday or I was to bring him back in for another visit. Please pray that he will feel better. It hurts when your child hurts and you can’t make them well.100_5919

He decorated his room all by himself. Apparently, a few old calendars and a roll of tape can result in endless possibilities. He has cats on his side and Deniska has cars on his walls.

Graduation – June 5, 2010

Graduation was held at Littlejohn Coliseum on June 5, 2010. We were really fortunate that the bad storm/heavy rain came during our graduation exercises. It was really fast this year since our principal needed to be in Charlotte to play for a Broadway play. Well, at least we have our priorities straight….100_5912 100_5913 100_5914100_5915 100_5917

I am thankful that no one was hurt after graduation. We were told to wear a dress and closed toe shoes to graduation. I wore my capris and open toed sandals! I was, however, very comfortable. I was not the only one who wore the same thing!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Awards Day – May 28, 2010



Perfect Attendance for both boys. Sorry for the fuzzy picture – I still need a new camera…..


Nikolai received three 3rd grade awards: Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll. Art. He also got several class awards: Reading, Academics, and Mathematics.


Deniska received three 3rd grade awards: Perfect Attendance, Music, PE/Tiger Relay. He also got several class awards: Handwriting, Writing, and Mathematics.

We are very proud of both boys.

PS - I might also add that they were the ones who wanted to dress up. They looked so sweet!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tiger Relay – May 8th

Deniska was chosen to represent his grade in Tiger Relay sponsored by Clemson University. The PE coach selected the four fastest boys and four fastest girls from each grade (grades 3-5). We were very proud of Deniska. He is in the orange shirt.   He was excited that he got to run on Clemson’s track.  It was good for him to see the track and Clemson’s athletes practicing.  He loves Clemson and would like to go there some day – just like his Mama!


Considering the sun was in my eyes, I am glad that I got a picture of Deniska running. Sadly, his team did not qualify for the final races but we were proud. They came in fourth.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Field Trip April 13th to State Museum and State House


Nikolai, Deniska, and Bailey. Bailey was our adopted child for the day! He was very sweet!! The school bought each child a special shirt to wear. They were easily spotted in a crowd and each teacher knew which child was hers. I really liked that idea! I was a chaperone and survived enjoyed the day very much!


Nikolai, Deniska, and Bailey in front of Woolly Mammoth at the State Museum.


Lunch was a bag lunch and serious business!


Digging for fossils!


Class picture of Deniska’s class on the grounds of the State House.


On the grounds of the State House







Deniska took this picture because he thought it was “way cool!”


Inside the House of Representatives chambers.