Monday, June 21, 2010

Fed Ex Day


I had a project (along with my friends Gail and Lisa) to present to the district office today. The theme was the FedEx Day. This was a day for employees to work outside of the workplace and present a project that would benefit them. I made the shirts for the boys and had them “deliver” our presentation to the panel. When our part was finished, they packed it up and left again. They stole the show and it was a huge success. Aren’t they cute! I made the “FedEx” logo by ironing muslin to freezer paper and sending it through the ink jet printer. Then, I heat set it and ironed fusible webbing to the back. I cut it out and ironed it on the shirts. I put it on the front and back. The whole project costs me $3 for the shirts and 69 cents for the muslin. I had everything else on hand. It was so much cheaper, and nicer, than those expensive sheets you find in the craft section.

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea! your boys look too cute, I love the sunglasses addition.

    any chance they might still like to be FedEx guys Oct. 31?
