Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Husband!

I have the sweetest, kindest husband in the world! He is my best friend and I can’t imagine life without him. We are very blessed to be together. Today is his birthday! The boys both made him cards. Nikolai’s card said, “Happy Birthday. I hope you do not die anytime soon. I will never forget you. Love, Nikolai”


We gave Dennis a new outfit – Izod shorts and a shirt. I was surprised that he liked these but he did. (I got his approval before I bought them.) He and I do not have the same taste. We used to, but not anymore! And since I really liked these, I was surprised that he did as well.

We also bought him a new Swiss Army watch with a red dial. Very cool! He was very happy about it.


His mother sent them some cologne, body wash, and antiperspirant. Very nice since they all were things he wanted. I would have taken a picture of them but he put them up before I had a chance. I was lucky to get the pictures I did.

I made his favorite meal tonight – spaghetti. And, of the course the boys insisted on the blackberry cobbler for dessert. (see earlier post for this story.)

I hope he has had a wonderful day filled with good things. He’s got another year before he gets another shot at things! I love you Honey!!


  1. Awwwww, Susan, what a sweet post! You and I are very blessed to have wonderful men named Dennis, huh?!

  2. it is never a dull moment with your cute boys, is it? Sweet Nikolai - I hope Dennis does not die soon too :)

    I can pick out clothes for Jeff but he is not supposed to ever buy clothes for me - for good reason.
