Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Good Samaritan


Today’s scripture was on the parable of the Good Samaritan.   It’s one of my most favorite parables in the Bible.  As Christians we are called to have great charity and love for all we come in contact with every day.

It also reminded me of the nursing aides in the nursing home that took care of my mother in her last days with Alzheimer’s.  They were all so kind to her and spent time above their job with her.  I think it takes a special person to work in a nursing home dealing with the frail and elderly patients.  One special occasion comes to mind that happened on the day when Mama was dying.  Bridgette, a nursing aide, stayed with us even though her shift had ended.  She had taken care of Mama in her last few months of life.  She stayed by her bed (on the other side from me) and sang “Jesus Loves Me” to Mama.  She said that Mama always loved for her to sing that to her.  I can’t begin to express my appreciation for that small act of kindness.  She certainly could have gone home, she could have excused herself, but she stayed until the end.  She cried right along with all of us.  How many times do we forego looking after our “neighbor” because we are too busy or too rushed with our own lives?  Something to think about as we go through this week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this story brings tears to my eyes! What a wonderful, compassionate woman - and a good example for all of us. "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

