Friday, July 16, 2010

Soccer Camp

The boys had soccer camp this past week at my college alma mater. They had a great time!!


Deniska is smiling like his daddy – more a baring of teeth than a smile. After numerous takes, this was about the best one.

On the other hand, we have Nikolai who gave me “let’s get this over” smile. He is doing his schoolwork on my bed. I don’t know why my bed is such a magnet for the boys.


Finally, he turned his back on me and ignored my picture taking. Silly boy!!



  1. Deniska and Nikolai as so hsndsome and adorable.Jeremy won't be playing soccer any longer.It is getting too competitive which doesn't go well with Aspergers.
    What is your Alma Mater SWU?

  2. OK my hunch was right.. Southern Wesleyan University.I googled to make sure I was right.

  3. really good looking sons you have.
    Is Deniska tall for his age? His arms and hands and neck look long to me.
    and Nikolai has the sweetest smile and a movie star suntan.

    My kids did not really hang out on our bed but they had a spot on the floor in our room they liked, however, they would put their feet on the wall and soon that spot was pretty dirty - oh well, it really does hurt anything now, does it?
