Thursday, November 4, 2010

All smiles!

We are all smiles at our home tonight! Dennis got a good report from the doctor - he's good for another year! The boys both have their braces now. Deniska decided on orange braces since he is a big Clemson University fan! Nikolai has not decided on a color yet but will perhaps get colored ones when he goes back in December.

Aren't they cute?! I have the sweetest boys ever!!


  1. Dear Susan...I am so behind in reading and commenting. But I spent some time wondering around you place this morning. Love the braces and the Halloween costumes. I didn't realize The story of bringing Deniska home brought tears to my eyes...especially the one with your Mama. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for stopping by my place. Blessings my friend...

  2. Susan...what wonderful news from the specialist for Dennis and you.Both Deniska and Nikolai look so handsome in their braces:)

  3. Yes, they certainly ARE cute! Love their smiles.
