Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Friday

Whew! I am not wishing my life away but this is one week that I am glad is over. It was such a busy week at work that I did not stop a second! One good thing, my sweet co-worker Anita gave me this bag with pumpkin bread inside! I might add it was the BEST pumpkin bread I have ever eaten! YUMMY!! She is such a sweet person!

Then, because God knew I was tired and frazzled, He let this be the sight that greeted me at my door today when I returned home from work. Don't you just love this? This is Tom, who just took up at our house this past summer. He seems to think he is the top cat around here. I guess he figured if I was not going to throw away the dead plant, he would just turn it into a bed! Hmm, wonder if he went inside and helped himself to a Coke Zero.....


  1. Hi Susan - your cat sitting in the pot made me laugh out loud. I saved the picture so I can show it to Gavin, he will think it is funny too.

    How many days will you off from school Thanksgiving week? I hope it is nice holiday for all of you.

  2. Beautiful cat. Looks very homey sitting there!

  3. Your blogs always make me laugh, Susan. Tom looks right at home. How do the other ones feel about that? Don't you have a black cat, Greta? Or did you tell me she disappeared? I think if I had my druthers (assuming I had a cat) I'd want one like Agnes, she was so beautiful.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving, all of you.

    Love, Grandma Joyce

  4. Oh, Susan, I just love the sight of this beautiful cat in the plant! How sweet. Is he a stray that you will just continue to feed outside, or are you taking him in?

  5. Now how could you resist that kitty? I think he needs a more comfortable bed! Loving the Divine Mercy Chaplet, we sing that with our praise group.

  6. I love your new sig, too - I haven't visited you for a while!
    Thank you for your comments!

    I actually think 'potted cat' sounds better than 'potted meat'. Maybe you have a marketable irem, here...
