Monday, February 14, 2011

Guess how I spent Valentine's Day?

 I spent Valentine's Day in the doctor's office and the hospital lab with Nikolai.  He started getting sick on Saturday and has only gotten worse over the past few days.  Today, he is running a fever and is complaining of a sore throat.  The doctor said all she had seen was flu and strep throat. (S-h-h-h, don't tell Deniska.  He will get strep throat at the mere mention of the name!)

She took a culture for both and both came back negative.  She sent us to the hospital for them to grow the throat culture.  We should know the results tomorrow.  Her advice - rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take otc meds.  I am to take him back Thursday if he is not completely better.  Prayers would be appreciated.

Oh, and by the way, Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. oh dear. I hope he is feeling better soon. Flu and strep have been rampant in Oklahoma. Several school districts closed because their absences were so high.

  2. STAY HOME TOMORROW with him while you have a chance to enjoy one of the joys of motherhood!

