Sunday, February 6, 2011


OK, you know you lead an incredibly boring life when all you have to blog about is a new shower curtain!  But, since it is new, and since I do love it, and since it passed my husband's seal of approval, here it is!  Isn't is pretty?!  I love that it matches my walls and towels.  I'm a happy girl! 


  1. Being excited about decorating your house is far from boring. Love your curtain. It is perfect for a house full of men as you have. And very cheerful.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  2. How did you ever match up those shades of blue? Looks great. I put up some interior shots of our house yesterday if you want to visit.

  3. I absolutely love it Susan! You know me and my love of bright colors. Definitely something I would pick!
