Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Birthday

My birthday was last Monday on the 29th.  My sweet husband sent me flowers to work.  I love the little ladybug that they put in my flowers.  This is a particular trademark for this florist.  The flowers were beautiful and I should have taken a picture of them on the first day.  This was taken several days later when I brought them home from work.  They are still beautiful.  

 My sweet boys gave me money for a pedicure.  I went yesterday and picked out a bright shade of pink.  I wanted to make sure that one would notice my pedicure!  The young girl who worked on me (and she really worked hard after a winter of neglected feet) shared with me some things about her life. I received many birthday cards and phone calls.  My friend, Gail, gave me a whole tin of sausage balls (which Deniska loved!) 

Dennis had my car washed, waxed, and cleaned yesterday as part of my birthday present.   All in all, a wonderful week of celebrating.  I hope this year brings lots of joy and blessings to our home.

On a happier note, my SAD seems to be disappearing with the longer days and bright sunshine.  I am glad to be coming out of the dreariness of this state. 


  1. I hope this year brings lots of joy and blessings to you and your home too!
    pretty flowers, I like the ladybug trademark too.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful birthday week!! Glad things look brighter these days. It has been a while since I had a pedicure, but I am getting this week...can't wait. The flowers are beautiful.

    Have a wonderful week Susan!!

  3. A belated happy birthday to you!
