Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Happens When Mama is Sick?

 When Mama is home sick (which she has been since early Monday afternoon) I get to stay in bed with her all day!  She doesn't mind because the fever makes her delirious and she thinks I am a big lion.  Papa took her to Urgent Care on Monday night.  The medical excuse said not to go back to work this week so I get to stay home with her all week!

First, I yawn real big! 

See that box of graham crackers?  That's the only thing she wants to eat - that, and applesauce.  Her throat really hurts her.

Then, I go fast asleep.  I like to sleep on my back, just like Mama!  (She wakes me up sometimes snoring but she is sick after all.) 

Then, and this is the best part, I get to dream that I am SUPER KITTY flying through the air saving lives!

Mama will soon be better and blogging again.  Right now, I have to go and take a nap with her.  This being sick is hard work!



  1. Awww, you have a lucky Mama to have you home with her while she's sick. Sending some hugs and get well wishes for her!

  2. Sam, you are so sweet to take good care of mama and to let us all know how she is doing. Sounds like she must have strep, that is so painful.
    I know you have enjoyed this week with Mama but I hope she is feeling good and back to normal very soon, the rest of her world misses her.

  3. Well are adorable and that has to be great medicine for your mama. :-) That and sleeping under that beautiful quilt!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  4. Aww, I have a kitty that looks just like your Sam! :) He lays exactly the same way and everything.
