Saturday, May 21, 2011

Running On Empty:Physically and Mentally

10 Days left in school, not that I am counting.  Everyone's ready for the summer.  
I have a million things to do and not enough time!!  
This too shall pass....


  1. Hi Susan,
    You could probably use any flavor of Jello you like when you make the cheesecake. I think that whoever created the recipe was thinking of using a light color so that the fruit would be visible. If you try it, let me know how it turned out. By the way, I saw the Mama Bear post. As a former public school teacher, I might could give you some assistance or another angle. Just email me if you'd like.

  2. Hi Susan
    I've been thinking about you and knew you had been quiet. I hope the next 10 days go by smoothly and pleasantly,
    and that your summer vacation provides with you with some relaxation and some "fuel"

    sending you a big hug!

  3. Been thinking of you Susan.I know you are so very busy with the end of the year IEPs.With 2 Special Needs grandchildren that have IEPs I know how involved and time consuming they can be.Two state tests down and one to go for Jeremy.I am assuming that your boys are having state testing too.There has been a lot of reviewing with Jeremy.Last day of school here is June 3rd.Can't wait for some down time for Jeremy and Mariah.

  4. Hi back! I hear you! I'm reading Nancy's comment above - I taught students with severe/multiple disabilities for several years. As I read your post I was remembering the MULTITUDE of things to do, the HUGE pile of paperwork to complete, etc. etc. I pray you have enough steam to finish the year and enjoy your summer!

  5. Hang in there. It's almost over.


  6. AMEN! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!

  7. Often we run on the smell of an oily rag much longer then we should. Only a few more days till you can refuel the tank and recharge the battery.

    Hang in there

    Hugs, Fi

  8. Try to do something for yourself to help refuel...and just know you're almost done! :)

  9. 'Ah, I remember it well,' he said with a shudder.

  10. Good one. I think we can all relate to this at one time or another (or all the time). I agree with Becca take some time for your self and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  11. oh wow only 10 days -lucky you- we have to wait till the end of July...
