Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Good Night's Sleep Is Priceless!

For the first time in many, many months, I slept a deep, undisturbed, resting sleep!  What a difference a good night's sleep can make!  My last day of school was yesterday and I have graduation exercises this morning.  After that, I am free for the summer until August rolls around and I start all over again! 

I'm linking to:


  1. Glad you got a good nigh'ts sleep, Susan! I did pretty well myself but got up too early. :)
    Happy 6WS!

    That's a good thing I liked about teaching. The new start. We didn't get a new start at the very stressful NASA! ;)

  2. Bless your heart! I'm so "with you" on that one (about a good night's sleep being priceless)! Enjoy your summer...sweet dreams!

  3. Glad you got a good night's sleep AND glad you are free from school till August! :) (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday!)

  4. Yay for a good night's sleep!! Glad you are "free" for the summer. Have fun with those 2 adorable boys!

  5. It sure is! Unfortunately I am not getting that many at the moment :(
    Hope you have a good holiday!

  6. oh, how i envy you as sleep is something that still eludes me more often than not...

  7. Susan, I didn't realize that you were a special education teacher. My niece teaches in Westminster at an elementary school. I taught mostly 5th grade during my career, but I did teach Latin to all students K-5 at my school for 2 years. I even taught the special ed. class some Latin. I hope you continue to get plenty of rest at night. As for me, I'm up to all hours blogging!
