Thursday, June 30, 2011

Conversations From the Back Seat


The boys and I went to town this morning to buy groceries for the upcoming holiday.  Out of the blue, this was our conversation.

Deniska:  Mom, can you take people out of the nursing home for a day?
Mama:  Yes, Deniska, you can if they are able to leave.
Deniska:  Well, Mom, when Nikolai and I get older we are going to have a cookout on the 4th of July and we will check you out of the nursing home for the day! 
Mama:  That's nice of you Deniska.  What about Papa?  Are you going to check him out too?
Deniska:  No, he will probably be dead by then.  Don't you think?!


  1. So nice of them. I got a chuckle out of that conversation. Have a great 4th of July!

  2. I found this so funny that I can hardly type! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy THIS holiday weekend while you are NOT in the home!!

  3. so so funny!
    thank you D for a good laugh.

  4. Ha! That was too funny. I would have run off the road or something! I saw that you got a new 'puter. That's what I call them. Do you have SMARTboards at your school? I had one for several years. I was really into creating lessons on them, and I was training other teachers in how to use them before I retired. I'm working on an old Dell that is getting slower and slower. Hope you have a great holiday.
