Sunday, July 24, 2011

Camp is over, the boys are home!

I thought I would share some camp pictures with you all.  Both boys had a wonderful time at camp.  Their counselor was 16 and it sounds as if they all kept each other on their toes with pranks and fun!  The only complaints were not getting enough sleep, hot weather, and the food!  All in all, a great experience for both of them.

Excitement was running high when we took them last Sunday.  This was at a rest area before we got to camp.

The boys settle in to their cabin.  It only slept 4 (1 counselor and 3 campers). 

This is their counselor for the week, Gavin.  A really nice young man!

Time for Papa and me to leave. 

The camp was having Mass that night but we did not stay. 

This was the dining hall and the only air conditioned building on the site.  They had their morning lessons in here as well.

When we picked them up, their first request was for a meal!  They were both hungry.  So, we took them to McDonald's! 

Deniska ate almost every bite of the big meal.  Both boys needed a good shower! 

We are glad to have our boys home aren't we?  I think so!!

This is what is waiting on me for tomorrow!  Camp clothes!

This week's menu:

Monday - oven baked chicken, cabbage, mashed potatoes
Tuesday - roast (w/potatoes, celery, carrots), green beans, rice
Wednesday - BBQ ribs, peas, macaroni & cheese

Thursday -  creamy chicken with broccoli with rice
Friday - baked tilapia veggie packets, salad

Saturday - chicken parmesan, spaghetti, garlic bread, salad

Sunday - hamburgers (tomato, onion, lettuce), chips


  1. Susan..I was checking to see if Deniska and Nikolai were home.Glad they had a nice time although a little hungry.The sparse sleeping arrangements reminds me of the high school band camp that daughter Karen attended.It always fell at the beginning of August when it was rather hot and muggy.You must have picked them up early since you are eating breakfast at McDonalds.Glad they didn't have to wait long for a meal that they would enjoy.Maybe they are looking forward to your cooking now?

  2. The boys looks happy to be home. My kids loved camp! They didn't go every summer, but they enjoyed it when the did go. Now, after all the nice tiresome peace and quiet isn't it a little bit nice to have the house sort of rocking gently once more? lol

    Katie's home for a week or so at the moment and she's still all about non-stop chatter. I am shell shocked after finally getting used to having a quiet house...

  3. hmph and so the trick to leaving a comment seems to be that I must identify myself as Penny Ann. Phooey!

  4. It looks like the boys had a nice time at summer camp. And looks like you have a nice souvenir...all that Are they glad to be back eating your home cooked meals again?

    Hugs from Holland ~

  5. Hope you've gotten all that laundry done by now! Guess who stopped by the house last Sunday. Gail!They were on their way home from the beach.

  6. i dare not even imagine the stink from those laundry bags!! but i'm sure they had a great time. good times for all, since you got "couple" time as well...

  7. Hey, is this the camp up near Rock Hill? My kids used to go there when they were that age; all four of them used to have a great time.
