Thursday, December 27, 2012

I love my life ... and Lucy

I grew up watching I Love Lucy. I relate to her so much more since I have become a wife and mother.  Sometimes, you just have to do what you have to do.....

We had a wonderful Christmas and the kids got way too much (as usual!)  Now, to find a place for the new goodies!

I took both kittens to the vet yesterday to have them "fixed".  Ricky (aka Dennis) was not too happy over the amount of money it cost but I thought it was very reasonable for both kittens.  And, I got a discount for writing a check.  Both kittens are curled up next to me now as I write this post.

 Christmas Eve I was reminding the boys that Santa was coming to town and they needed to be nice and not naughty.  I was singing the famous words of "he knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake."  Little Ricky (aka Deniska) piped up and said, "So basically, Mom, you stalk us!"  Yes, dear, I stalk you and will be in your business for the rest of your life!  This was the first year they did not wake up early and race to see what Santa brought them.  They are growing up - too fast.

Dennis bought me a Food Saver for Christmas.  I had been wanting one forever!  It was just what I wanted! 

 Since I did not bake anything (except cookies) for Christmas, I decided that every month around the 25th I would make a special treat for the boys.  Yesterday, I made fudge.  I have a list already made for every month this coming year. 

 One of my best Christmas gifts was having lunch with my best friend.  We had Chinese food and caught up on all of the Christmas and daily goings on.  I really miss her since she retired last year.  It is hard not to see your best friend every day!

Today, it's back to the daily grind.  I need to clean house, do laundry, cook, etc...  It's not all fun and games you know.  

Lights, camera, action...time to get to work!

(all photos are from the I Love Lucy show.)


  1. Love this post with all the Lucy photos. Some days I do feel like life imitates art. LOL.

  2. Sounds like you had a nice Christmas. I remember my kids waking up at 5 am some years. It was nice when they got a bit older and slept in some. Enjoy your break

  3. As always, I tremendously enjoy your posts. This was top of the line. Thanks, Susan, since I couldn't be there to see you and Ricky and little Ricky do your thing. And of course Nikolai. You are way too organized to be like Lucy, but I enjoyed the pics of one of my favorite comediennes. You are very talented and have a way with words. By the way, you are a tremendous mom and daughter-in-law!

    Love, Grandma Joyce

  4. What a delightful post! As one who also grew up on I Love Lucy, this pictures brought back great memories and you tied them into your post so well! Ahh yes, life was so much simpler back then, or at least it seems so! I love the concept of mom's stalking their kids...yup, good moms sure do! :-)

  5. Hi Susan,
    I loved this post because I used to watch I Love Lucy too! You do have a talent for putting words with the pictures. Sounds like you have a wonderful Christmas and I'm glad you got to have lunch with Gail. Someday I'm coming to the upcountry and we will all 3 have to do lunch! Wishing you a very happy New Year!
