Saturday, February 22, 2014

Farmer's Almanac and Weather Predicitons

When I was growing up, my father planted the garden by the Farmer's Almanac.  He would buy a new one every year and I remember many nights of him pouring over each word and planning his garden.  Did I mention we always had an acre+ garden??  Not so fun as a child working in the summer heat in the garden, but that is another post!  

Anyway, I decided to check the Farmer's Almanac after the last snow we had and see what it had to say about this winter.  It had successfully predicted the two previous snows.  

This is what I found for February:

Hmm, looks like snow is in our forecast again!  I am not surprised since the snow stayed on the ground for 3 days, waiting for another snow.  I grew up with that saying and then to confirm that saying, we had another sign of snow to follow - a thunderstorm in winter means snow will come 7-10 days.  There you go!  Two sayings about snow and the Farmer's Almanac prediction - better buy that bread in milk today!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Frugal February Weeks #1 and #2

I am really thinking of ways to save money since we are adding on to our house.  Although I have not told the rest of my family, we are going on a debt diet.  I just need to write it down for myself so I can keep my part on track.  I think February is the perfect month to start being more frugal!

Week 2 was an easy week to save money.  The snow really helped us all to stay home and not spend money!  

Savings for Week 2:
1.  I cooked all the meals.  Soup for lunch several days and then a nice hot supper each night.  My boys LOVE soup!  I don't mind cooking if I have the time.  The boys and Dennis loved having a home-cooked meal every night. No trips to the grocery store this week either!  I had plenty to eat from the freezer and pantry.  
2.  We have not move the car at all since Monday night.  Since school was called off, we all stayed home.  I don't mind staying at home.  I would all the time if I could.

3.  No internet shopping (Sunday - Friday) since the boys used the computers to play games.  I did order something today but it was a necessity and cheaper online than at the local stores.  Oh, I almost forgot, I did order child #2 a new iPod but he had cash in hand for that purchase.  He had saved his money for this purchase.  

4.  I used Swagbucks to earn points to trade in for Amazon cards.  

Not so frugal things from Week 1:
1.  I am afraid that the first week of February was not so frugal since we ate out a lot that week.  This was due to long work days for me.  I really need to avoid those.  Unfortunately, when you work two jobs, something has to give.  See there?  I am justifying again to myself!  I need to stop that as well.  I need to plan better!

2.  Lots of trips here and there that could have been combined.  

3.  I bought things for Valentine's Day that I ended up not giving due to the snow.  I could give them late but somehow it loses it charm....  

Any tips for being frugal?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter Wonderland

This is what our front yard looks like this morning.  ICE on everything...


Trees are weighted down with the ice.  I sure hope we do not lose electricity!

I might also add that Dennis won't let me off the front porch because he is afraid I will fall!  :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Update on SNOW

Picture from Programming Resource Center

Winter Storm Watch:Issued at: 4:11 am EST on February 10, 2014, expires at: 7:00 AM EST on February 13, 2014

Accumulations...snow accumulations of 6 to 8 inches along the eastern slopes of the mountains...4 to 6 inches along and northwest of the Interstate 85 corridor...and 2 to 4 inches southeast of Interstate 85. Ice accumulations of a trace to one tenth of an inch are expected along Interstate 85... 

Currently it is raining.  Trying to keep my students focused on a day like today is like nailing jello to the wall!!

Stay Warm Everyone!!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

More Snow!!

Winter storm Pax is suppose to deliver us some more snow this week!  Tuesday and Wednesday we have a 90% chance of snow.  But, we all know that winter storms are unpredictable.  We might just end up with rain!  We will just have to keep an eye on things - much like Anna does from her favorite perch in the kitchen!

Saturday, February 1, 2014


We had our first snow this past week.  It was beautiful falling.  School was out for two days.  I thought I would show you a few pictures of our yard and surrounding areas.

Job 39: 6-7  When he says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth!' to the showers, 'Now rain hard!'  he brings all human activity to a standstill, for everyone to acknowledge his work.

This is a waterfall that is not too terribly far from us.  My friend sent me these pictures.

Stay warm!