Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New sidewalk

I wanted to share a picture of the new sidewalk we had put in this past week. The contractor also covered my porch with flagstone too. I am very happy with the results. Now all it needs is decorative grass to border the sides. This will have to wait until next spring. Notice the 2 "pineapples" by the front door. Those are cloth covered 2 liter bottles filled with gravel. These were VBS crafts and will have to stay there until this fall. Nicholas is looking out the front door, awaiting his release from inside. Silly cat!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Boys' Room

I thought I would share pictures of you with the boys' room. I might pick up a few items here and there but the majority of it is completed. I did pick up some hooks to hold their cowboy hats. I like the room color and I think it looks good with the wall color.

Friday, July 24, 2009

THEY have it out for us!

THEY, being the yellow jackets, really have it out for us. Our lawn man found 3 more nests near our house in the ground. He killed all of the nests but there is one in the railroad ties that the landscaper used around our house. This time, one of the nasty creatures, stung my Nikolai. He was stoic of course and said it didn't hurt very much. I treated him with vinegar and he seems to be fine. I know that he does not have the reaction that Deniska does. I will be glad when winter comes and the yellow jackets die.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another bee sting

Yes, you guessed it! Deniska got stung yet again today by another yellow jacket/bee. This time he stepped on it while he was outside. He didn't have his shoes on (can't blame him for this, I don't wear mine either half the time!) This time I poured vinegar over the sting and then had him hold a paper towel with vinegar on it directly on the sting. He said it quit hurting quicker than when we use the baking soda paste. I gave him a Benadryl and told him to lay down. He's asking for dinner so he is not in too much pain!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Psalm 23

The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
In green pastures you let me graze; to safe waters you lead me; you restore my strength.
You guide me along the right path for the sake of your name.
Even when I walk through a dark valley,
I fear no harm for you are at my side; your rod and staff give me courage.
You set a table before me as my enemies watch; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Only goodness and love will pursue me all the days of my life;

I will dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come.

Friday, July 17, 2009


I'm stripping wallpaper borders today in order to think about painting in the next few weeks. We have decided on a blue for this bathroom. This is the border I am stripping - gosh, look how dirty my trim is! Oh well, at least you know we actually live here and it is cleaning day.... The rest of this week I will spend in sanding, cleaning, and prepping. I think that's the hardest part of painting, all the up front work. Maybe I can sweet talk Dennis in helping me to paint this weekend!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Apparently, we are stuck on chickens here in this household. Tonight's book was Bob by Tracey Campbell Pearson.
Bob has a problem. Living as he does among the chickens, all he can do is cluck. But Henrietta the cat sets him straight: "Bob.-You need to stop clucking and learn how to crow-.That's what roosters do." This advice sends him on a search among the animals of field and forest for one who will teach him to crow. Before he gets it right, Bob has learned to "meow-meow," "woof-wag," "ribbet-ribbet-hop-hop," "moooooo," and even "yum-yum-bugs" (a substitute for cud-chewing); but he finally meets Fred, a rooster who obliges with the proper lesson. Back in the henhouse, Bob is too excited to sleep, so he is wide awake when a fox comes in. His "cock-a-doodle-do" doesn't scare the villain, but the rest of his repertoire terrifies the intruder, particularly his "yum-yum-fox." From then on Bob wakes Henrietta and the girls each morning, either with "cock-a-doodle-do" or, if he feels like it, with "Meow-Woof Ribbet-Moooo Yum-Yum-Bugs!"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just an ordinary day

Nothing new to report today. The boys played, I did whatever it is I do when I am home all day. I don't know how the whole day goes by and I have no clue what all I did even though I know I was busy all day! Deniska weathered the yellow jacket sting and seems to be doing better with this sting than in the past. His arm is still red, warm to the touch, and slightly swollen. I have kept him on Benadryl today.

Our book for today was: Chickens to the Rescue by John Himmelman. It's Nikolai's favorite book. Out of the chicken coop rush a crowd of helpful hens, ready to do their rescue for each day of the week. On Monday, clad in diving gear, swim suits, etc. they retrieve Farmer Greenstalk's watch from the well. On Tuesday, they take over the kitchen to make dinner for his tired wife. When the dog eats young Jeffrey's book report due Wednesday, it's a flurry of researching and typing to save the day. Thursday, the runaway truck requires rescue; Friday it's the cow; Saturday the sheep. Each rescue is frantic, funny, and a little wild. So the chickens have earned their Sunday rest. The salivating pigs happily on their way to do the clean-up of Emily's spilled cereal add a final laugh.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Poor baby!

My little Deniska got stung by a "HUGE" yellow jacket tonight as he was digging in the dirt. He's been working on this particular hole for several weeks now. The boy loves to dig in the dirt. He came running the house holding his arm and crying. Poor little thing was so scared. I applied a baking soda paste, gave him a Benadryl (I need to buy stock in this company), put ice on his arm, held, and rocked him for several hours. He was feeling better by the time he went to bed. I really think he gives off some invisible yellow jacket radar which attracts the yellow jackets to him. He is always the one to get stung. Nikolai even prayed for God to make Deniska feel better. This is significant since Nikolai rarely concerns himself with Deniska's feelings. He really loves his brother but won't admit it for anything! It's been a good day today, with the exception of the sting.

Our book for today was Duck at the Door by Jackie Urbanovic.
When his flock migrates south for the winter, Max opts to stay behind—and quickly regrets it. Luckily, Irene and her pets live nearby in a cozy house, so the quirky duck makes himself right at home for the season, and proves to be a bit of a pest. Just when everyone has had their fill of Max's favorite TV shows, blanket hogging, and experimental cuisine, spring arrives, and he leaves to reunite with his flock—and, naturally, the entire household feels his absence.
This was a great book on teaching how each of us are special in our own way and the value of friendship. It's been my favorite book of the summer, maybe that's because I love ducks!

Monday, July 13, 2009


I took this picture of Nicholas because he was being so funny and I needed a laugh. Today has not been a great day with the boys. They have been cranky and I hate being the bad mom, but sometimes you just have to let them know you mean business. Nikolai has had 2 time-outs and it's not even mid-afternoon. He is back to his normal, grouchy self. *sigh* Deniska was weepy today. He cried because I told him not to make fun of his brother at lunch. I don't think they are getting enough sleep. Tonight will be an early bedtime to see if we can remedy that problem. Still, all in all, they are good boys. They both helped me clean the house this morning and they do an excellent job. I can't complain.

Our book for today was Before You Were Mine by Maribeth Boelts. In "this book a boy wonders and questions what his dog’s life was like before he found his new forever home. Was the dog well taken care of, do his old owners miss him, did he get lost or was he given up? This charmingly illustrated book gently teaches children how a pet should be cared for and shows the good that can be done by rescuing a pet." This book is one of the South Carolina Picture Book Award Nominees 2009/2010.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Not rocket science

I spent the afternoon programming the boys TV for parental controls. It took longer than I thought it would. They have been good to leave the TV on the channel/show that I picked out, but recently I caught Nikolai changing channels as I walked in. Hmm, perhaps more sneaky than I thought. So, I just sat down and put those parental control on tight. I am sure this will not go over well when Nikolai starts to change channels. Tomorrow, I am investigating parental controls for the Internet for Deniska. Too much evil out there not to put some safety nets in place.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Feeling better and rice bags

My friend, Weezie, suggested I make Nikolai a rice bag to go into the microwave to hold on his ear. So, I did. I always keep rice bags in the freezer but I didn't think that would be good to go straight into the microwave. I used one of Dennis' socks. Nikolai said it made his ear feel better. I did actually get him to eat a piece of toast and drink some grape juice today. That's an improvement from yesterday.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Still sick and no sleep

Nikolai nor I slept at all last night. He was up all night with his earache and apparently wanted me up too. There's nothing worse for a mother than not being able to take away pain for her child. He slept (or rather I should say, he stayed with me) in bed last night. He is so pitiful with his ear. He finally went to sleep this morning about 5 AM, was up at 8:30 AM, I gave him his medicine and he is sleeping now, finally. He hurts so much he just makes little noises. This is not my active little boy who is very verbal and expressive. The doctor said he should feel better in 3 days. I hope so; I hate to see him in so much pain. Please say a prayer for him that he will feel better soon!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sick Day

Nikolai started complaining late last night with an earache. This morning he told me that he needed to go to the doctor. Since my boys never complain, if they say they need to go, we go. We read this book this morning, thinking it might take his mind off his earache. He gave it a 3 out of 5 stars. Never mind it is an award winning book with this synopsis: When Librarian Molly McGrew drove her bookmobile into the zoo all the animals went wild about books. This story in rhyme is funny to read aloud and fun to look at.

I think he is just sick. He's been in bed all day. He won't even argue with his brother or roll his eyes and stomp off. I worry about him when he's sick! So, at 2 PM today, we are off to see the doctor!

We are back from the doctor. By the time we got there, Nikolai was running a fever of 102.2. The doctor gave him an antibiotic and ear drops. No swimming for a whole week! He is already feeling better.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Driveway finished

The driveway is finally finished with the quarry dust. After it rains a few times, the driveway will be solid and not dusty. I can hear thunder in the background. It's cool outside and dark. I wish it would rain to cool things off.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Mama

Today, my Mama would have been 89 years old; she was born July 6, 1920. I lost my mother to Alzheimer's on December 27, 2007. I want to celebrate her life instead of her death. I know she is happy today celebrating her birthday in Heaven with my daddy and two of my brothers.
We read this at her funeral and it truly describes her. Mama was the Proverbial woman:

When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls.
Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize.
She brings him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.
She obtains wool and flax and makes cloth with skillful hands.
Like merchant ships, she secures her provisions from afar.
She rises while it is still night, and distributes food to her household.
She picks out a field to purchase; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
She is girt about with strength, and sturdy are her arms.
She enjoys the success of her dealings; at night her lamp is undimmed.
She puts her hands to the distaff, and her fingers ply the spindle.
She reaches out her hands to the poor, and extends her arms to the needy.
She fears not the snow for her household; all her charges are doubly clothed.
She makes her own coverlets; fine linen and purple are her clothing.
Her husband is prominent at the city gates as he sits with the elders of the land.
She makes garments and sells them, and stocks the merchants with belts.
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs at the days to come.
She opens her mouth in wisdom, and on her tongue is kindly counsel.
She watches the conduct of her household, and eats not her food in idleness.
Her children rise up and praise her; her husband, too, extols her:
"Many are the women of proven worth, but you have excelled them all."
Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her a reward of her labors, and let her works praise her at the city gates.

~Proverbs 31:10-31

Friday, July 3, 2009


I bought myself a new toy today - a Black & Decker HT2000 Hedge Trimmer. It comes equipped with a long 20-inch blade, fully assembled, and ready to use! I've already make quick work of a hedge of bushes between my house and Mama's house. Granted, it probably won't get used daily but it will be great when I need it. It's really easy to use and light weight. I wish I had bought one years ago! Being a country girl, I totally appreciate good tools! Now, to buy a tractor with a bush hog...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yardwork - Day 2

All the bushes are gone! Rob did such a good job. Tomorrow, he will weed-eat the stragglers and we will work at taking off all that was cut down. I want to get something to kill the roots and then plant some rose bushes. After that, we will mulch. It's all coming together. It looks so much better!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Dennis and I are doing some things to our yard since nothing has been done in many years. This morning we had gravel put down on our driveway. This time we are using quarry dust and hope to be satisfied with the results. I don't care to have a concrete or asphalt driveway. I like gravel driveways. I think it goes with my home.
My best friend's son, Rob, started pruning our out of control bushes. He is such a nice young man. He is going to come back every morning until we get everything done. Maybe I should just adopt him!
This afternoon, I sprayed Round-up on every leaf that looked like poison oak or poison ivy. I don't like to use Round-up because it is a poison. However, I think getting rid of the poison ivy/oak is more important, especially with 2 little boys.
We have a long way to go and I think by the end of summer, we may have our yard in shape again. It's a really big yard with lots of opportunities to make it into something special. I would like to put out a few benches, or a rock garden, a water fountain, etc.... I could go on and on!