Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sick Day

Nikolai started complaining late last night with an earache. This morning he told me that he needed to go to the doctor. Since my boys never complain, if they say they need to go, we go. We read this book this morning, thinking it might take his mind off his earache. He gave it a 3 out of 5 stars. Never mind it is an award winning book with this synopsis: When Librarian Molly McGrew drove her bookmobile into the zoo all the animals went wild about books. This story in rhyme is funny to read aloud and fun to look at.

I think he is just sick. He's been in bed all day. He won't even argue with his brother or roll his eyes and stomp off. I worry about him when he's sick! So, at 2 PM today, we are off to see the doctor!

We are back from the doctor. By the time we got there, Nikolai was running a fever of 102.2. The doctor gave him an antibiotic and ear drops. No swimming for a whole week! He is already feeling better.

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