Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Dennis and I are doing some things to our yard since nothing has been done in many years. This morning we had gravel put down on our driveway. This time we are using quarry dust and hope to be satisfied with the results. I don't care to have a concrete or asphalt driveway. I like gravel driveways. I think it goes with my home.
My best friend's son, Rob, started pruning our out of control bushes. He is such a nice young man. He is going to come back every morning until we get everything done. Maybe I should just adopt him!
This afternoon, I sprayed Round-up on every leaf that looked like poison oak or poison ivy. I don't like to use Round-up because it is a poison. However, I think getting rid of the poison ivy/oak is more important, especially with 2 little boys.
We have a long way to go and I think by the end of summer, we may have our yard in shape again. It's a really big yard with lots of opportunities to make it into something special. I would like to put out a few benches, or a rock garden, a water fountain, etc.... I could go on and on!


  1. I hope you take pictures when it's all done! It's fun to plan and dream of a magical garden, isn't it? :)

  2. Hi Susan
    your quarry dust looks like what Okies call screenings. And it is what we used on our driveway when we lived in the country. It held up really well too.

  3. Great project to work on in the summer! Can't wait to see "after" pictures.
