Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goal Setting Dave Ramsey Style

This is Dave Ramsey. I am a loyal Dave Ramsey fan and I agree with most of what he has to say. He is certainly not the only financial guru in the business but I like his style. He listed his 5 steps to achieving a goal and I wanted to list them here since I agree with all of them and I need a little help in working on my goals this year. This is an excerpt from his newsletter, found here.

"If you want to actually achieve your goals this year, then consider the following:

Be specific. When setting goals, be specific in what you want to achieve. Vagueness will only cause you to feel overwhelmed, and you will just give up.

Make your goals measureable. In order to know if you achieved the goal, it must be measurable. For example, if you want to lose weight, don't simply write down "lose weight" as a goal. How much weight do you want to lose? Or don't just write "spend more time with family." How much time do you want to spend with your family every night?

Are they your goals? Only you can set your own goals. If your spouse, co-worker or friend sets a goal for you, you're not going to achieve it. Taking ownership will give you more incentive to meet your goal.

Set a time limit. Setting a time frame will help you set realistic goals. For example, if you want to save more money, list how much money a month you want to put into your savings account.

Put them in writing. Putting your goals in writing will make you much more likely to achieve them. Write down your goals and review them often. This will give you motivation to make them a reality.

This is the process to succeed. Successful people reassess their lives and then start living intentionally, in writing, on paper, on purpose. Make your resolutions a reality in 2010." by- Dave Ramsey

1 comment:

  1. Excellent advice...I, too, agree with all of these steps and have used them in the past.

    Good luck as you set your own goals this year!
