Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Dennis took the boys to Home Depot this morning for their monthly work shop. This week, they made calendars. Aren't these cute? Both boys made one but Deniska was the only one who showed me the finished project. So, I made a picture of him. He was proud of it, as was I. I am also proud of their daddy for taking them to these workshops. He is such a good daddy. He has kept them busy the last 2 weeks. They are going to miss spending time with him when we all go back to school and work.

I think this says it all!


  1. Susan, please tell Deniska I think his calendar is beautiful! Wish I had one like it.

    And that cat seems oblivous to the hole in the basket. That picture is hilarious! Such a beautiful kitty. She looks like Agnes.

    Happy New Year to you all, cats too!

    Love, Grandma Joyce

  2. The calendar is a job well done! Deniska should be proud of it, as I know his momma is.

  3. What a nice calendar.Hope they get as much joy from changing the calendar as Jeremy does.We have one with blocks and little bears for each month.Jeremy looks forward to changing the days and then changing the months as they roll around.It is a big production.Should post another picture of my calendar on my blog.
