Thursday, December 27, 2012

I love my life ... and Lucy

I grew up watching I Love Lucy. I relate to her so much more since I have become a wife and mother.  Sometimes, you just have to do what you have to do.....

We had a wonderful Christmas and the kids got way too much (as usual!)  Now, to find a place for the new goodies!

I took both kittens to the vet yesterday to have them "fixed".  Ricky (aka Dennis) was not too happy over the amount of money it cost but I thought it was very reasonable for both kittens.  And, I got a discount for writing a check.  Both kittens are curled up next to me now as I write this post.

 Christmas Eve I was reminding the boys that Santa was coming to town and they needed to be nice and not naughty.  I was singing the famous words of "he knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake."  Little Ricky (aka Deniska) piped up and said, "So basically, Mom, you stalk us!"  Yes, dear, I stalk you and will be in your business for the rest of your life!  This was the first year they did not wake up early and race to see what Santa brought them.  They are growing up - too fast.

Dennis bought me a Food Saver for Christmas.  I had been wanting one forever!  It was just what I wanted! 

 Since I did not bake anything (except cookies) for Christmas, I decided that every month around the 25th I would make a special treat for the boys.  Yesterday, I made fudge.  I have a list already made for every month this coming year. 

 One of my best Christmas gifts was having lunch with my best friend.  We had Chinese food and caught up on all of the Christmas and daily goings on.  I really miss her since she retired last year.  It is hard not to see your best friend every day!

Today, it's back to the daily grind.  I need to clean house, do laundry, cook, etc...  It's not all fun and games you know.  

Lights, camera, action...time to get to work!

(all photos are from the I Love Lucy show.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday menu -a day late!

Monday- center cut pork chops, English peas, four cheese mashed potatoes

Tuesday - vegetable soup, cornbread, chocolate chip cookies

Wednesday - tacos (meat, onions, cheese, salsa), Mexican rice, 

Thursday -  spaghetti with meatballs, garlic bread, brownies

Friday - shrimp and grits, cantaloupe, broccoli

Saturday - chicken noodle soup, rolls

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Conversation from the recliner

This past week-end was really busy.  Poor Dennis, who did not feel good, had about all the "love" he could stand from all of us.  After telling the boys to pick up something for the 50th time, he turned to me and said:

Dennis:  I am beginning to sound like a broken record.

Me:  Dear, they don't know what records are.

:  OK, I sound like a broken CD.

Me:  Nope, 'fraid not.  Kids do not buy CDs these days.

Dennis:  Then, what do they buy?

Me:  Hmm, I suppose a mp3.

Dennis:  Then I sound like a broken mp3!!

Me:  Mp3s are digital and downloaded.  Maybe you can just be a broken link???

He was not amused!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday menu - Nov 4th

This week's meal plan.

Monday - fend for yourself meal!  I like this meal since everyone is on their own.  The boys will usually eat soup and Dennis and I eat leftovers.  

Tuesday - salsa chicken (Pinterest), chicken fingers, green beans, corn, pumpkin pie

Wednesday - corn dog muffins, turnip greens, potato soup, apples and caramel sauce - change in plans: One-Pan chicken and potato bake .  This was a big hit with  my family.

Thursday - Sliced Ham and Pineapple w/rolls, stuffing, broccoli, fruit salad

Friday - shrimp and grits casserole (Pinterest), cabbage, brownies 

Saturday - hot dogs, chili, buns, chips, grapes

Notice two Pinterest recipes on the menu.  I am anxious to see how the dishes turn out.  I will report on them later.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Menu Monday

One of the ways we save money is to eat at home.  This takes some planning and using things from the pantry and freezer as well as smart grocery shopping.  I don't mind cooking as much as deciding what to cook.  That is why I make my menu a week in advance and get input from the family.  I am fortunate in that I do not have any picky eaters in my family.  The only problem that I have is that I feel that I cook the same things over and over.  I need to try some new dishes.  We also do not have a dessert every night.  I try to make something over the weekends for dessert (not that I am always successful in that endeavor!)

Monday - Chili beans, cornbread, sour cream, cheese
Tuesday - BBQ Chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans
Wednesday - Dirty rice with sausage, broccoli
Thursday - Home baked pizza, salad
Friday - Salmon patties, corn, green beans
Saturday - Cabbage with polish sausage, (any ideas what to serve with this?), biscuits
Sunday - Roast with vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions, celery), rice, yeast rolls

What's on your table this week?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October is Respect Life month

I am so thankful that the birth mothers of my two children did not choose abortion.

These are my boys that God meant for us to have. 

I can't imagine life without them.  


Sunday, September 23, 2012

What a week

 It was a long week for me last week.  I took money up for the volleyball game on Wednesday night.

Open House was held on Thursday night.  I had 2 parents to come.  But, the good news was that I got lots of work completed while I was at school.
And, way too many meetings to keep up with on a daily basis.

Good thing I have a good chiropractor to keep me going!  I took both boys on Friday to have an adjustment.  I know carrying those heavy bookbags around are not good for them. 
Yesterday morning, found me at Urgent Care!  I think my body is just tired.  I am feeling better today.

This week is not looking much better.  But, I am happy that I am able to work and to keep going! 
Have a good week everyone!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Brother, O, Brother!

This is my new toy - just in time for all the fall holidays!

This is a Brother CE8080PRW  - a computer that thinks it is a sewing machine.

Sews like a dream.  She has 80 stitches (which I will never use!)

I got so frustrated with my Necchi who kept breaking my thread every few inches.  After doing everything possible (including taking apart most of the machine), I gave up.  

She needs more than I can give her.

She is headed to the repairman (as soon as I can find one) this week.  

Poor machine is sick and needs to be oiled, repaired, etc....

Back to the new machine.  I think I will name her, Anne.  

Oh, be with me, Saint Anne, patron saint of seamstresses!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

July 16th to September 8th

53 days that I have not been on the Internet other than to look and pin at Pinterest!  Funny how life can get in the way and stop you in your tracks.  That's how my life has been these past 53 days.

The boys loved camp and are looking forward to going back next year.  Matter of fact, I think they have it figured out how to spend the next 15 years or so at this camp every summer.  First, as a camper, then - as a Junior counselor, and finally as an adult counselor.  Want to know which two boys are mine?  The two that are NOT smiling!  Silly boys!!  The camp sent this picture to us - wasn't that nice?!

After camp and loads of dirty clothes from camp, it was time to get ready for school which meant school supplies.  A couple of hundred dollars later, they were set to do to school.  They each got new bookbags (after all they just couldn't carry their elementary school backbags - didn't I know that?)  New bookbags meant having their names embroidered on the bags.  Then the usual supplies - notebooks, folders, paper, pencils, pens, graph paper, memory sticks, dividers, note cards, colored pencils, markers, highlighters, tape, glue, lunch bags, etc..... 

After that - new clothes (which I by-passed and opted to just buy new tennis shoes.)  I am not going to order new jeans until cooler weather for I am sure D will grow another few inches before then.
This was made on the first day of school as I was racing out the door to go to my school!

Please do notice the bright colors of their shoes. 
 I just realized they put on shirts to match - good boys!!
In the meantime, I had a vicious back attack the last day of July!  Down on the floor crying with pain in the wee hours of the morning.  I knew this pain well - it was my sciatica (something I have put up with endured off and on for the past 25 years).  I crawled hobbled to the chiropractor and even he could not give me relief after a few treatments.  Then, my leg was numb from my hip to mid-calf. Hmm, that a new one for me. I went to my medical doctor (who asked me if I had been to the chiropractor to get help.)   Yes, I have.  She gave me muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory pills, and pain pills.  My chiropractor ordered an MRI (which my medical doctor wanted as well.)  Long story short - I was sent to a Neurosurgeon because my back has a herniated disc, bulging discs, narrowing, and arthritis.  I was managing pretty well until my medical doctor just kept saying, "Your back is HORRIBLE, just HORRIBLE!" 
I might add I had to wait 2 weeks to get in to see the surgeon.  By this time, I had been in pain for a month but as suddenly as it came, it was gone.  (I attribute this to prayer and continuing with my chiropractor and medicines).  My surgeon (who was the nicest person) decided I did not have to have surgery at this time.  I suspect it will have to be done sooner or later but I am opting for later!  So, that was all of August.  My back still hurts here and there, but at least it is manageable.
I do have to say that these two (Oscar and Ozzie) kept me company and gave me lots of kitty kisses and purring during this time.  Their new favorite place is in the laundry room on top of the washer and dryer.  They are sweet babies!  (Nikolai took this picture, I thought he did a wonderful job!)

And finally, Dennis became a 4th degree knight.  I think he should wear a tux more often!  (Notice he, too, is not smiling!  What is it with my family?!) 
Wonder if I should always address him as Sir Knight....


Monday, July 16, 2012

To Camp We Will go....

 The boys left for camp yesterday.  They had both packed a week ago.  

I think Ozzie thought it was a new bed!

 When we arrived at camp. N jumped out and started unloading.

The guy with the black shirt, John, will be their counselor for this week!

 Then we started the 10-mile short trek through the woods to their cabin.

Their cabin is the very last one at the end of the line!

I love these steps.  I would like to have them here.

 I thought the broom holder was genius!

Dennis made them smile for me! 
It was a sweet moment....

then, it was over!
They were ready for us to leave!  

I know they will have a great time at camp.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th

I had this sweet little kitty framed and sitting on my piano until...

...someone (who won't take the blame) knocked it off and broke the glass in the frame.

So, yesterday I made it into a little pillow! 

To read about the other little pillows, click here.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

To Cut a Long Story Short - or jeans in this case!

  Those of you who have boys will understand this story.

Nikolai goes through jeans like nobody's business. 

That boy is HARD on the knees of his jeans.
(Why ARE boys so hard on jeans?)

He has religious camp coming up next week and needed shorts.

Yes, you are ahead of me, I cut his jeans off at the knees to make shorts!

 I cut all the strings off (which resulted from me washing the jeans after I cut them!)

Then, I zig-zagged the edge, turned them up, pinned them, and hemmed them!

I only lost one machine needle and that was my fault.  

I should  have put on my denim needle to start.  

Anna approves!  She is my official inspector - especially if clean clothes are involved!

After I had finished, he brought me another pair that just happened to have a hole in the knee.

That will just have to wait for another day!