Monday, May 5, 2008

A Busy Day

Dennis and I were extremely busy today. I kept Attendance School after school until 6:15 PM. That made an 11 hour day for me. Every day this week will be 11 and 12 hour days for me. We are having End of Course testing this week and I am reading the tests orally to my students. I read the English 1 exam 2 times today and will read it 3 times tomorrow. Wednesday and Thursday I will be reading Physical Science. I dread reading that one. Friday will be Algebra 1 test. I won't mind it too much since it will mainly just be instructions.

Dennis came to school and picked the boys up at 5:20. They had had Karate and finished all their homework. They are really good after spending time alone with Dennis. They love him and just want his undivided attention.

Deniska and Nikolai both read to me tonight several books. Deniska read The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss 2 times. He wanted to read it a third time but I think he was just stalling for time to not to go to bed. Dennis and I are so proud of the progress that Deniska has made with reading this year. He is finally beginning to enjoy reading since he can read for himself. Nikolai is also doing well with his reading. He is where Deniska was at the beginning of the year. Still, just to have been here for 1 year, I think he is doing excellent. His progress report said he is still talking too much. I think that is a hoot since he rarely talks at home. Maybe that is because Deniska doesn't give any of us a chance to talk!


  1. Ha ha my report card used to read,"Louise tends to be a chatterbox in class" or " Louise spends too much time daydreaming during class". So it is good to know that I was not the only one who chatted a lot. LOL
