Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Today I had conferences with both Deniska and Nikolai's teachers. Both teachers said the boys were ready for 2nd grade. This was a relief to me. At mid-term, we were not so sure that either boy would be ready. The hardest part of the whole conference was to not take control and run the conference. As a teacher, it was hard for me to be "the parent" and listen. I did ask lots of intelligent questions and took lots of notes.

I was very pleased with Deniska's conference. He has a seasoned teacher and it really shows. He has made tremendous strides this year. I will tell you a secret. Lean close and let me whisper it in your ear (Deniska is going to win the "Most Improved" award for his class!!!) Don't tell!!!

Nikolai's teacher (who is very sweet) is a first year teacher and she has lots of enthusiasm. You could tell that she was not as familiar with running a conference, but she will be as she gains experience. We are very fortunate that our public schools are wonderful!! All in all, a very good conference day.


  1. Hi Susan, I am a friend of your mother in law Joyce. She gave me your blog and I am loving looking at it. She has told me through the years all about Dennis and his family but I have not seen Dennis since I moved to Wisconsin in 1979. This has been an excellent way to get to know all of you. I can see why Joyce is so proud. I am a cat lover so I enjoy all the antics that go on in your home and your two boys are precious. Thank you for letting me share in your life. God bless. Gloria Wurster

  2. Gloria - how nice to have a note from you! I am so glad that you enjoy the blog. It's a good way for me to keep a journal of these things. Please visit the blog often! Susan
