Thursday, January 21, 2010

Relay for Life

I wish everyone could know my husband. He is the kindest, wisest, quirkiest person I know. He is very quiet but makes me laugh all the time. He is so serious, that sometimes everything he says and does is just hilarious! God really gave me a very precious gift when he gave me Dennis' heart. I treasure it every day. Oh, I get aggravated with him sometimes - like when he changes the voice mail after Deniska has left a really cute message, or when he just pours himself tea at dinner and doesn't think about the rest of us. But those are just small irritations. He puts his family first right after God. I think he is the holiest, most humble person I have ever met. He is quick to point out that he is a sinner and never have I heard him judge someone else harshly. He is the spiritual leader in our home and takes that role seriously. He has the boys involved in volunteer work monthly. I can't say that he is perfect (for there is only one person who has ever been perfect.) He has his imperfections like the rest of us. He doesn't like my turnip greens (but will eat them to set a good example for the boys), he is too quick to lose his temper and fly off the handle (and then apologize just as quickly), and heavens know that he is one stubborn person (if he would only do things my way!) But he loves his family fiercely and no one is going to hurt or take advantage of any of us.

I almost never had a happy family and a wonderful husband. Dennis was diagnosed with cancer when he was young man before we married. It was a serious cancer and the odds of him surviving was slim to none. But, by the grace of God and a skilled surgeon and other skilled doctors, he did survive. He has residual effects from the surgery. He is totally numb on his right side and has shooting, severe pain in his arm all the time. He rarely complains but offers his suffering up for others in more pain. What a man!! This year, we are all taking part in the Relay for Life in our county. He will be walking the survivor lap and the rest of us will be walking as well.

Now, here's how you can help. Please go to my personal webpage for Relay for Life and make a donation. It's not for me, it's not for Dennis (although I did make one in his honor), it's for all cancer patients and their families. Click here, or just click on the picture at the top of this post. If you are uncomfortable giving over the internet, there is a printable form that you can print out and mail in with your donation. Thank you on behalf of everyone who has been touched by cancer.

Monday, January 18, 2010

No school today

No school today for all of us. So, I am all dressed up with no place to go. Cleaning, cooking, and tending to the boys. Toast, eggs, and bacon for breakfast; Pizza Hut for lunch ($10 pizza); and, steak with the trimmings for dinner. Laundry, laundry, laundry. Tomorrow, back to our routine.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Please pray for Haiti

This is a picture of Patrick Moynihan, who is a deacon at St. Paul's Catholic Church. We attend St. Paul's on occasion and Dennis worked with Patrick's wife before they returned to Haiti to be missionaries. The following article is from the local newspaper; I wanted to share with you the work in Haiti and about Patrick and his family.
By Andrew MooreJanuary 14, 2010 - 12:00 a.m. EST

The earthquake that reduced much of Port-au-Prince, Haiti to rubble on Tuesday night spared The Haitian Project’s Louverture Cleary School school in the city, President Patrick Moynihan of Salem confirmed Wednesday.

The Haitian Project is a Catholic Mission that supports and operates the tuition-free, Catholic, co-educational secondary boarding school for underprivileged Haitian children.

“The school is in the best condition that we could expect in the face of this disaster, and it is important that we now as quickly as possible ascertain the integrity of our buildings and ensure that we continue to have sufficient water and food for the immediate future,” Moynihan said. “ Our first priorities continue to be to house and feed our students and help those in our community and neighborhood as we have for the past 22 years through the many difficult situations in Haiti.”

Moynihan said while seven students of the more than 350 enrolled were injured — one seriously — they were all expected to recover.

“Fortunately, and we say this with all compassion, our construction is relatively new, and it was well done, so it is still standing. At a later date we’ll have to conduct an engineering analysis to make sure the integrity of the structure is still there,” he said.

... Moynihan and his family, who live in Haiti during their missionary work, commended the Upstate volunteers.

“It’s amazing the leadership these volunteers have shown,” he said. “They don’t want to come home. They’re committed to their work.”

...Those wishing to make donations may do so at The Haitian Project, PO Box 6891, Providence, RI, 02940, or by visiting the project online .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have a "WELL" Child

I took my sweet Deniska yesterday to the doctor for his "well child" check-up. I am proud to report that he is "well!" He is in the 75th percentile in height but below the 25th percentile in weight which technically makes him underweight! The child eats ALL the time! Nonetheless, he can see, hear, and giggle (which he did during the physical exam). I can't believe he is nine years old. I looked at him while we were at the doctor's office and he is getting so tall. We are truly blessed to have such a sweet child.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Daddy

Today would have been my daddy's 93rd birthday if he were still alive. Daddy died December 15, 1991. I still miss him very much. He was a wonderful father. My mother thought he was perfect and we did too! Happy Birthday Daddy!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Don't even think about it....

Normally, I try to be a patient mother and wife. I tell myself, they can't help it, they are boys. But, today has found me growling and hissing more than usual. The boys are so cranky and ornery. I would like to pretend that they are perfect all the time and peace reigns in our home. Not today! They got in a fight at the Lowe's workshop. Then they were sassy with me on the way home. Finally, Deniska pushed me away as I was directing him not to come into my bedroom. I guess that is when I lost what little composure I had left. Does he not know that no one is happy if Mama is not happy?

They did not get enough sleep last night. They went to a local church for games and fun. They enjoy doing that very much but they get home late and hyped up on cookie and pizza does not allow for an easy transition to sleep. I see an early bedtime in store tonight. Now, let me go prowl my house and see who is in need of correction!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

Baby, it's cold outside is not joke today! This morning when I got up it was 18 degrees outside. On the way to work. Dennis said it was 14 degrees! That is just too cold for us. The wind chill made it feel like -4 degrees!! We are just not used to such cold weather. I think they are calling for snow flurries on Friday. Yikes! One flake of snow here and we close things down, roll up the sidewalk, and wait for warmer days! There will be the customary run on milk and bread - all the stores will sell out of these items. And those folks from other places who moved here, will laugh at us and make fun of us for staying at home. Yet, we have no car accidents or fatalities due to snow because we are smart enough to stay inside all toasty and warm! So, who's laughing now?!

Oh, and Dean Martin and Doris Day, still rock in my book!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goal Setting Dave Ramsey Style

This is Dave Ramsey. I am a loyal Dave Ramsey fan and I agree with most of what he has to say. He is certainly not the only financial guru in the business but I like his style. He listed his 5 steps to achieving a goal and I wanted to list them here since I agree with all of them and I need a little help in working on my goals this year. This is an excerpt from his newsletter, found here.

"If you want to actually achieve your goals this year, then consider the following:

Be specific. When setting goals, be specific in what you want to achieve. Vagueness will only cause you to feel overwhelmed, and you will just give up.

Make your goals measureable. In order to know if you achieved the goal, it must be measurable. For example, if you want to lose weight, don't simply write down "lose weight" as a goal. How much weight do you want to lose? Or don't just write "spend more time with family." How much time do you want to spend with your family every night?

Are they your goals? Only you can set your own goals. If your spouse, co-worker or friend sets a goal for you, you're not going to achieve it. Taking ownership will give you more incentive to meet your goal.

Set a time limit. Setting a time frame will help you set realistic goals. For example, if you want to save more money, list how much money a month you want to put into your savings account.

Put them in writing. Putting your goals in writing will make you much more likely to achieve them. Write down your goals and review them often. This will give you motivation to make them a reality.

This is the process to succeed. Successful people reassess their lives and then start living intentionally, in writing, on paper, on purpose. Make your resolutions a reality in 2010." by- Dave Ramsey

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Dennis took the boys to Home Depot this morning for their monthly work shop. This week, they made calendars. Aren't these cute? Both boys made one but Deniska was the only one who showed me the finished project. So, I made a picture of him. He was proud of it, as was I. I am also proud of their daddy for taking them to these workshops. He is such a good daddy. He has kept them busy the last 2 weeks. They are going to miss spending time with him when we all go back to school and work.

I think this says it all!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Prayer Intentions for the month of JANUARY 2010 from Pope Benedict:

Young people and Social Communications Media: That young people may learn to use modern means of social communication for their personal growth and to better prepare themselves to serve society.

Christian Unity: That every believer in Christ may be conscious that unity among all Christians is a condition for more effective proclamation of the Gospel.