Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Boys Clubhouse

 Guess what the boys got for Christmas?!  Yes, their very own clubhouse.  There is still work to be done - add a step in front, do the underpining, get the electricity hooked up - but all in all, it is a very cute clubhouse.  I am secretly hoping they will grow tired of it and I can claim it as my sewing and craft room!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I won!

Chris, at Growing Together was offering a Christmas Movie Giveaway earlier this month and I won!  How exciting to get something in the mail other than bills!  Thank you Chris!!  It's just in time for Christmas!


Cleaned House and Ready to Rest!

I have spent the past four days cleaning house for Christmas.  You know, the type of cleaning where you pull everything out to sweep and mop behind, you wipe the walls, de-clutter hot spots, throw away useless stuff and mail that has been collecting, make room for the tree, mop the entire house, DUST everything (including the kids!)  Which brings me to Thanksgiving Days 25 and 26.  I am thankful for the ability to physically clean house and I am thankful for a family that helps me clean.  This leads me to my 6 word Saturday, "Cleaned House and Ready to Rest!"

I am linking to:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving - Days 20-24

Day 24 - Prayer

 How do people make it in life without prayer? 

Day 23 - Friends!


This is my best friend Gail.  I stole her picture off her facebook page.  We have taught school together for 28 years.  The last 16 years, we have shared an office and our rooms open in to each other.  She is retiring this year.  I am so not happy about that.  I will miss her more than she will ever know.  I love you Gail!!

Day 22 - my job!

In this day of economic worries and woes, I am thankful that I have a job.  I often complain about the stress and threaten to retire.  But, I think I will hang around for a few more years.

Day 21 - My Family's Gratitude

I took this picture this evening.  I was interested in what the boys were thankful for.  Not to worry, McDonald's and parfaits made the list! 

 Day 20 - Changes of Seasons

I took this picture last December looking out my front door.  I love snow even though we rarely have any - maybe that is why I love it!  I am fortunate to live in an area that has a changing of seasons.  We are headed into winter weather and I just love the cold air.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 19-Thankful that the weekend is here!

Day 19 -  Thankful that the weekend is here.  It's been a long week and I am ready for a break.  I only work 2 days this coming week and then I will be off for Thanksgiving holiday. 

I'm linking to:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Days 17 and 18 of Thanksgiving

Day 18 - Seeing the world through the eyes of a child! 

There are days that this picture reminds me that I need to brave like a tiger and secretive like Batman.  This picture was made in 2007 but both boys are still very imaginative and I love hearing their thoughts on the way they see the world.  They keep me in line!

  Day 17 - Umbrellas! 

Yesterday, it was pouring rain and was I ever thankful for an umbrella!!!  Sometimes you forget about the little items that make life so much easier! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 16 of Thanksgiving

Day 16 - Icy-Hot! 

Last night my knees were killing me.  It was cold, damp, rainy, awful weather.  I stopped by Walgreens and bought me a brand new stick of Icy Hot.  I lathered it on, changed into my pajamas and went to bed!  It must have done the trick since they do not hurt as badly as today!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 15 of Thanksgiving

Day 15 - New French Doors!  This summer, we took down the sliding patio doors (which were almost impossible to open) and replaced them with french doors.  They have the blinds inside the glass.  We just love them!

I asked Deniska to sweep off the deck when the men were through putting in the doors.  He took the vacuum stick outside to vacuum the deck!  BOYS!

 Here's a view from the inside.  I just love them!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 14 of Thanksgiving

Day 14 - my car!  My car is a 2002 Toyota Avalon with 135,000 miles.  It has never given me any trouble and is still running strong.  The best part is that it is completely paid for!  That is why I love it the most!  This picture was made in 2004.  It looks just the same except a little more wear and tear from two 10-year-old boys in the back seat!  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 13 of Thanksgiving

Day 13 - Freedom of Religion.  I am thankful that we live in a country where we have freedom of religion.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thankful - Day 12

Day 12 - Altar Boys!  Today, I am thankful that Deniska has the privileged to serve as an altar boy.  Dennis took him to training this past Tuesday night and tonight he got to serve. 

This is Deacon John showing Deniska what to do before Mass.

This is during Mass, with Father Ikechi, our parochial vicar.  At the end of Mass, Father Ikechi was so kind as to introduce Deniska to the whole congregation and thank him for using his talents and being an altar boy.  I was so proud of him.  

This is my favorite picture, although it is not too clear.  I had the flash off and I didn't want to be too much of a distraction to other around me.  This is when they are waiting for the gifts to be brought forward.  I thought that was a good time that wouldn't be too distracting. 

After Mass, Deacon John went over some of the finer points and tips for next week.  For it to be Deniska's first time, he did very well.

It was a wonderful time and one he will remember forever!  He is already talking about next week!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Days 7,8,9,10,11

Hmm,  I haven't been very good at keeping up with my days here have I?  So, let me catch up!

Day 11 - My home.  We live in a very small house but it's big with love!  Sometimes I am envious of bigger houses but then I remember the costs associated with a big house - more to heat, more to cool, more to clean!  I'll just keep my little, cozy house and be happy!

Days 10 and 9 - a good book and audio books!  I love to read, my boys like to read (notice, I said like not love), and my husband loves to read.  So many times, it has been an audio book in recent years that I listened to - in the car, in the house, at work.  It's so nice to always have a good book to get lost in when you need a break!

Day 8 - Pumpkin Pie!  Deniska and I each had a piece of pumpkin pie tonight!  It was store bought but really, really good!  Almost as good as my homemade Libby’s Pumpkin Pie.  For some unknown reason to me, Dennis and Nikolai do not like pumpkin pie!  Really. 

Day 7- My camera!  Without my camera, I could not take such funny pictures like Darth Vader sitting in the dead plant!  I love my digital camera and consider it a 'must have" item!!

All of these are such little things to be thankful for each day.  But, sometimes, I think we forget to be thankful for the little things that make our lives so rich!

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Days 5 and 6 of Thanksgiving

 Day 5- the thanksgiving of nature.  Deniska went out and cut this branch for me to use as a centerpiece.  I am going to cut leaves out of construction paper and we are going to write things we are thankful for each day.  This is our new tradition.

Day 6 - I am thankful that I can sew.  I made this dress for Maxie last night upon Deniska's request.  My mama taught me how to sew when I was about 5.  I also re-made the tablecloth in the picture above.  I had bought it about 2 years ago on sale at Wal-Mart but it was about two feet too long.  Today, I cut it off and re-hemmed it.  Thanks Mama for teaching me to sew!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Days 3 and 4 of Thanksgiving

Day 3 - a good education.  Nikolai was recently inducted into the school's Jr. Beta Club.  This was at the reception.  I am thankful that both boys are smart and have really good teachers.  

Day 4 - Pets!  Welcome Maxi to our home.  She is a sheltie and is six months old.  Maxi is an early Christmas gift to the boys.  They are having such good time with her and learning responsibility at the same time.  They are completely responsible for taking her outside, feeding her, etc...  (Of course, Mama has to remind them!)  There is nothing like the love of an animal to make every thing OK in the world!  Although we have had her now 3 days, we have yet to her her bark.  (That's a good thing!)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Christmas Movie Giveaway

Chris, at Growing Together is offering a Christmas Movie Giveaway.  Hurry on over there to enter. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2 of Thankfulness

Today, I am thankful for my church and for my faith.  I serve an awesome God.  I could write for hours and not even touch the goodness He has given me.  What I do want to talk about today is my church, St. Mary's Catholic Church.  We drive an hour away from our home to attend this church every week.  Isn't she beautiful? 

Come on in with me.  This is a picture of coming in the back door - or would that be the front door?  Church is the only place I know where you walked through the front door only to be in the back. 

A picture of the altar.  We like to sit in the very front so we can see.  I attribute this to playing the organ and piano in my Baptist church as I was growing up.  I got used to sitting in front and now I am too old to change.

I know that worshiping is not totally about the building.  I don't think anyone would argue that one.  But, I do think the building can aide and get you in the right spirit.  As you can gather, our church is a formal church.  For me and my family, it works.  This is a picture of the stain glass in the choir loft.  Such sacred, beautiful music always comes from here.  Music really moves me to worship.  St. Augustine is credited for the saying, "He who sings, prays twice."

But if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord, you have your choice: choose this day that which pleaseth you, whom you would rather serve, whether the gods which your fathers served in Mesopotamia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. ~ Joshua 24:15