Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thankful - Day 12

Day 12 - Altar Boys!  Today, I am thankful that Deniska has the privileged to serve as an altar boy.  Dennis took him to training this past Tuesday night and tonight he got to serve. 

This is Deacon John showing Deniska what to do before Mass.

This is during Mass, with Father Ikechi, our parochial vicar.  At the end of Mass, Father Ikechi was so kind as to introduce Deniska to the whole congregation and thank him for using his talents and being an altar boy.  I was so proud of him.  

This is my favorite picture, although it is not too clear.  I had the flash off and I didn't want to be too much of a distraction to other around me.  This is when they are waiting for the gifts to be brought forward.  I thought that was a good time that wouldn't be too distracting. 

After Mass, Deacon John went over some of the finer points and tips for next week.  For it to be Deniska's first time, he did very well.

It was a wonderful time and one he will remember forever!  He is already talking about next week!

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